In classical planning, actions have no duration: the effects of an action are instantaneous. Many realistic planning domains, however, require actions that can overlap in time and have different duration. The version of the planning domain definition language (PDDL), PDDL2.1, that was used for IPC3 introduces the notion of durative actions. A durative action represents an interval of time, and conditions and effects can be associated with either endpoint of this interval. Durative actions can also have invariant conditions that must hold for the entire duration of the action.
We use the constraint-based interval approach to temporal POCL planning described by Smith et al. (2000), which in essence is the same approach as used by earlier temporal POCL planners such as DEVISER (Vere, 1983), ZENO (Penberthy & Weld, 1994), and IXTET (Ghallab & Laruelle, 1994). Like IXTET, we use a simple temporal network (STN) to record temporal constraints. The STN representation allows for rapid response to temporal queries. ZENO, on the other hand, uses an integrated approach for handling both temporal and metric constraints, and does not make use of techniques optimized for temporal reasoning. The following is a description of how VHPOP handles the type of temporal planning domains expressible in PDDL2.1.
When planning with durative actions, we substitute the partial order
in the representation of a plan with an STN
. Each action ai of a plan, except the dummy actions
a0 and a
, is represented by two nodes t2i-1 (start
time) and t2i (end time) in the STN
, and
can be compactly represented by the d-graph
(Dechter et al., 1991). The d-graph is a complete
directed graph, where each edge
tj is labeled by
the shortest temporal distance, dij, between the two time nodes
ti and tj (i.e.
tj - ti
dij). An additional time
point, t0, is used as a reference point to represent time zero. By
dij =
for all i
j (
dii = 0),
signifying that there is no upper bound on the difference tj - ti.
Constraints are added to
at the addition of a new
action, the linking of an open condition, and the addition of an
ordering constraint between endpoints of two actions.
The duration, , of a durative action ai is specified as a
conjunction of simple duration constraints
c, where
c is a real-valued constant and
is in the set
{ = ,
}.4 Each simple
duration constraint gives rise to temporal constraints between the
time nodes t2i-1 and t2i of
when adding ai
to a plan
. The temporal constraints, in terms of the minimum distance
dij between two time points, are as follows:
Duration Constraint | Temporal Constraints |
![]() |
d2i-1, 2i = c and d2i, 2i-1 = - c |
![]() ![]() |
d2i-1, 2i ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
d2i, 2i-1 ![]() |
The semantics of PDDL2.1 with durative actions dictates that every
action be scheduled strictly after time zero. Let denote
the smallest fraction of time required to separate two time points.
To ensure that an added action ai is scheduled after time zero, we
add the temporal constraint
d2i-1, 0
in addition to
any temporal constraints due to duration constraints.
Figure 2(a) shows the matrix representation of the d-graph
after adding an action, a1, with duration constraint
3 to a null plan. The rows and columns of the
matrix correspond to time point 0, the start of action a1, and
the end of action a1 in that order. After adding action a2 with
duration constraint
= 4, we have the d-graph represented by
the matrix in Figure 2(b). The two additional rows and
columns correspond to the start and end of action a2 in that order.
![]() |
A temporal annotation
{s, i, e} is added to the representation of open conditions. The open
ai represents a condition that must
hold at the start of the durative action ai,
ai represents a condition that must hold at
the end of ai, while
ai is an invariant
condition for ai. An equivalent annotation is added to the
representation of causal links. The linking of an open condition
ai to an effect associated with a time point tj
gives rise to the temporal constraint
(k = 2i
= e, else k = 2i - 1). Figure 2(c) shows the
representation of the STN for a plan with actions a1 and a2, as
before, and with an effect associated with the end of a2 linked to
a condition associated with the end of a1.
Unsafe causal links are resolved in basically the same way as before,
but instead of adding ordering constraints between actions we add
temporal constraints between time points ensuring that one time point
precedes another time point. We can ensure that time point ti
precedes time point tj by adding the temporal constraint
dji -
Every time we add a temporal constraint to a plan, we update all
shortest paths dij that could have been affected by the added
constraint. This propagation of constraints can be carried out in
O(||2) time.
Once a plan without flaws is found, we need to schedule the actions in
the plan, i.e. assign a start time and duration for each action. A
schedule of the actions is a solution to the STN
, and a
solution assigning the earliest possible start time to each action is
readily available in the d-graph representation. The start time of
action ai is set to
- d2i-1, 0 (Corollary 3.2,
Dechter et al., 1991) and the duration to
d2i-1, 0 - d2i, 0. Assuming Figure 2(c) represents the
STN for a complete plan, then we would schedule a1 at time 1 with
duration 5 and a2 at time 1 with duration 4. We can easily
verify that this schedule is indeed consistent with the duration
constraints given for the actions, and that a2 ends before a1 as
Each non-durative action can be treated as a durative action of fixed duration 0, with preconditions associated with the start time, effects associated with the end time, and without any invariant conditions. This allows for a frictionless treatment of domains with both durative and non-durative actions.
Let us for a moment consider the memory requirements for temporal POCL
planning compared to classical POCL planning. When planning with
non-durative actions, we store
as a bit-matrix
representing the transitive closure of the ordering constraints in
. For a partial plan with n actions, this requires
n2 bits. With n durative actions, on the other hand, we need
roughly 4n2 floating-point numbers to represent the d-graph of
. Each floating-point number requires at least 32 bits
on a modern machine, so in total we need more than 100 times as many
bits to represent temporal constraints as regular ordering constraints
for each plan. We note, however, that each refinement changes only a
few entries in the d-graph, and by choosing a clever representation of
matrices we can share storage between plans. The upper left 3×3 sub-matrix in Figure 2(b) is for example identical to the
matrix in Figure 2(a). The way we store matrices in
VHPOP allows us to exploit this commonality and thereby
reduce the total memory requirements.
The addition of durative actions does not change the basic POCL
algorithm. The recording of temporal constraints and temporal
annotations can be handled in a manner transparent to the rest of the
planner. The search heuristics described in Section 3,
although not tuned specifically for temporal planning, can be used
with durative actions. We only need to slightly modify the definition
of literal and action cost in the additive heuristic because of the
temporal annotations associated with preconditions and effects of
durative actions. Let
s(q) denote the set of
ground actions achieving q at the start, and
e(q) the set of ground actions achieving q
at the end. We define the cost of the literal q as
Håkan L. S. Younes