By a parity problem, we will mean a collection of axioms
specifying the parity of sets of inputs. So we will write, for
Reduction of (11) to a collection of Boolean axioms is best
described by an example. The parity constraint
is equivalent to
For the proof complexity result of interest, suppose that is a
graph, where each node in
will correspond to a clause and each
edge to a literal. We label the edges with distinct literals, and
label each node of the graph with a zero or a one. Now if
is a
node of the graph that is labeled with a value
and the edges
incident on
are labeled with literals
, we add to our theory the Boolean version of
the clause
Since every edge connects two nodes, every literal in the theory
appears exactly twice in axioms of the form (12). Adding all
of these constraints therefore produces a value that is equivalent to
zero mod 2 and must be equal to as well. If
is odd, the theory is unsatisfiable. Tseitin's
Tseitin:complexity principal result is to show that this
unsatisfiability cannot in general be proven in a number of resolution
steps polynomial in the size of the Boolean encoding.