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Conversing with the User

As it converses with the user, the Dialogue Manager uses the results of the Retrieval Engine's functions. The system uses a frame containing a simple list of constraints to support the interactive constraint-satisfaction search (see Jurafsky et al. 1994 or Dowding et al. 1993 for a similar formulation). As is usual in this type of system, the user can respond to a system request to fill a constraint by ignoring that attribute and specifying the value for different one(s) instead (Goddeau et al., 1996; Ward & Issar, 1996). The speech acts supported are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Speech acts supported in the ADAPTIVE PLACE ADVISOR.
System Speech Acts  
ATTEMPT-CONSTRAIN Asks a question to obtain a value for an attribute.
SUGGEST-RELAX Asks a question to remove all values for an attribute.
RECOMMEND-ITEM Recommends an item that satisfies the constraints.
QUIT-START-MOD States that no matching items remain and asks whether
  to modify the search, start over, or quit.
PROVIDE-VALUES Lists a small set of values for an attribute.
CLARIFY Asks a clarifying question.
User Speech Acts  
PROVIDE-CONSTRAIN Provides a value for an attribute.
ACCEPT Accepts a relaxation suggestion or item generated by the system.
REJECT Rejects the system's proposed attribute, relaxation attempt, or item.
PROVIDE-RELAX Provides an attribute value for removal.
START-OVER Indicates a desire to reinitialize the constraints and begin again.
QUIT Indicates a desire to stop the conversation.
QUERY-VALUES Asks for information about possible values of an attribute.

There are two main phases of the dialogue, the interactive constraint-satisfaction portion and the item presentation portion. The constraint-satisfaction portion is further divided into over- and under-constrained situations. The dialogue state (Table 3) determines the system's utterance and the range of responses expected at each point. The system updates the dialogue state's variables as appropriate throughout the conversation.
Table 3: Dialogue State.
Variable Description
Constrained Attributes whose values have been specified.
Rejected Attributes whose value the user has declined to provide.
Fixed Constrained attributes that the user has indicated should not be relaxed.
Constrain The next attribute to constrain, if any.
Relax The next attribute to relax, if any.
Query Probability model of desired item constraints.
Number-of-Items Number of database items matching the query and exceeding
  the similarity threshold.
Ranked-Items The matching items ranked in similarity order.
Rejected-Items Items that the user has rejected.
User-Move The user's most recently uttered speech act.
System-Act The system's most recently uttered speech act.

In more detail, the system's speech act (or move) during interactive constraint-satisfaction is determined by the Number-of-Items dialogue state variable. Further, its speech act determines which speech recognition grammar to employ to interpret the user's next utterance. The most common situation is when many items (more than some small threshold, here three) match the current constraints.8 In this situation, the system makes an ATTEMPT-CONSTRAIN move, in which it asks the user to fill in the value for an attribute. This move, if responded to appropriately by the user, would reduce the number of items considered to be satisfactory to the user. The attribute to Constrain is the one ranked highest by the Retrieval Engine that has not already been Constrained or Rejected. In our first sample conversation, repeated in Table 4,
Table 4: Sample Conversation.
1. Inquirer: Where do you think I shou... on 443 Emerson Street?\\
13. Inquirer: Sure, that sounds fine.

utterances 2 and 6 illustrate ATTEMPT-CONSTRAIN's by the system. One user response to an ATTEMPT-CONSTRAIN is a PROVIDE-CONSTRAIN, in which he provides a value for the specified attribute or for additional attributes, as in utterances 5 and 7. A second possible response is a REJECT, in which the user indicates disinterest or dislike in an attribute, as in the first part of utterance 7. As illustrated by some of these examples, the user can combine more than one move in a single utterance. A second situation, an over-constrained query, occurs when there are no items that satisfy the agreed upon constraints and are similar enough to the user's preferences, and thus the Retrieval Engine returns an empty set (Number-of-Items = 0). In this case, the system performs a SUGGEST-RELAX move that informs the user of the situation and asks if he would like to relax a given constraint. The attribute to Relax is chosen from the Retrieval Engine's highest ranked attribute9 that has not already been Fixed. This is illustrated in utterance 8 of the conversation in Table 4. As in utterance 9 of that conversation, the user can respond by rejecting ( REJECT) the system's suggestion or he can accept it ( ACCEPT). In the former case, the attribute is Fixed so that the system will not try to relax it again. In combination with either of these speech acts, the user can specify other attributes to relax in addition to, or instead of, the system-suggested attribute ( PROVIDE-RELAX). When only a few items satisfy the constraints, the system ends the interactive search and begins to suggest items to the user ( RECOMMEND-ITEM) in order of similarity, as in utterances 10 and 12 above. The user can either accept or reject an item. If the user accepts an item ( ACCEPT), the system ends the conversation, having reached the goal state. If the user rejects an item ( REJECT), the system presents an alternative, if any remain. Note that there are three ``meanings'' for the REJECT speech acts of the user, but only two ``meanings'' for the ACCEPT speech acts, since a user has to accept an ATTEMPT-CONSTRAIN by providing an explicit value for the attribute being constrained. There are three special situations not covered by the above. The first is when the query is over-constrained, but the user has Fixed all attributes that could be relaxed. The second is when the user has rejected all items that match the constraints. In these two situations, the system informs the user of the situation, asks him whether he would like to quit, start over, or modify the search ( QUIT-START-MOD), and reacts accordingly. The third special situation is when Number-of-Items exceeds the presentation threshold, but all attributes have been Constrained or Rejected. In that case, the PLACE ADVISOR begins to present items to the user. To support the spoken natural language input and output, we use a speech recognition package from Nuance Communications, Inc. This package lets us write a different recognition grammar for each of the situations described above and to use human-recorded prompts (rather than text-to-speech). The string of words recognized by the system is parsed using recognition grammars that we wrote, which were used for all users without adaptation. Future work could include personalized recognition grammars as well as personalized information preferences. The grammars use semantic tags to fill in each slot: besides slots for each attribute, we define slots for rejection or acceptance of the system's suggestions. In more complex domains, more sophisticated parsing methods may be required, but this simple scheme gives the user a reasonably diverse set of utterance options. The Nuance modules also generate a response to user requests for help ( QUERY-VALUES) with a PROVIDE-VALUES speech act, and enter clarification dialogues when the confidence in a recognized utterance is below a given threshold ( CLARIFY). These are currently simple interactions where the system provides examples of answers to the most recently uttered prompt, or asks the user to repeat themselves. Finally, for the item presentation portion of the dialogue only, the system displays the restaurant information (name, address, and phone number) on the screen, and outputs a spoken prompt such as ``How about this one?'' We chose this presentation modality due to our reluctance to use text-to-speech generation and the large number of prompts we would have had to record to produce spoken language for each restaurant. However, note that the user still responds with a spoken reply, and we do not feel that this presentation mode substantially influenced the user-modeling behavior of the PLACE ADVISOR. Each system-user interaction affects subsequent rounds of database retrieval and similarity calculation via updates to the expanded query. Table 5 shows the effects of relevant speech acts on the query, which is in turn used in the similarity calculation as described in Section 3.2. In the table, we have shortened the names of some of the system moves for the sake of brevity.
Table 5: The effects of speech acts on the query. Key: CONSTRAIN = ATTEMPT-CONSTRAIN, RELAX = SUGGEST-RELAX, RECOMMEND = RECOMMEND-ITEM.
System-Move User-Move Effect on Query
CONSTRAIN PROVIDE- Set ``probabilities'' of all provided values to one.
  CONSTRAIN Set probability of other values for constrained attributes to
    zero. If the attribute has been rejected previously, reset
    its attribute probability from user model.
CONSTRAIN REJECT Drop attribute by setting its probability to zero.
RELAX REJECT No effect; Dialogue Manager selects next attribute.
RECOMMEND REJECT Update item preference counts (see Section 3.4).
RELAX ACCEPT Reset value probabilities for the attribute from user model.
RECOMMEND ACCEPT Update item preference counts (see Section 3.4).
Any PROVIDE-RELAX Reset value probabilities for the attribute from user model.
Any START-OVER Initialize from user model.

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Cindi Thompson