Next: O-contract Paths - Unrestricted
Up: Lower Bounds on Path Length
Previous: Lower Bounds on Path Length
The strategy employed in proving our results involves two parts: for a given
class of restricted contract paths we proceed as follows in obtaining
lower bounds on
- a.
- For the contract-net graph partitioning resources among agents, construct a path,
realising a deal
. For the
structural constraint, influencing it is then proved that:
- a1.
- The contract path is a -path, i.e. for each , the deal
satisfies the structural constraint .
- a2.
- For any pair of allocations and occurring in , if then the
is not a -deal.
Thus (a1) ensures that is a suitable contract path, while (a2) will guarantee that there
is exactly one allocation, , that can be reached within from any given
allocation in by means of a -deal.
- b.
- Define utility functions
with the following properties
- b1.
- The deal
is a -deal.
- b2.
- For the rationality constraint, influencing , every deal
is a -deal.
- b3.
- For every allocation in the contract path and every allocation other than
the deal
is not a -deal, i.e. it violates either
the stuctural constraint or the rationality constraint .
Thus, (a1) and (b2) ensure that
has a defined value with respect to
the function for the -deal
i.e. a -path realising the deal is possible. The properties
given by (a2) and (b3) indicate that (within the constructed resource allocation setting) the path
is the unique -path realising
. It follows that
, the length of this path, gives a lower bound on the value of and hence a
lower bound on
Before continuing it will be useful to fix some notational details.
We use
to denote the -dimensional hypercube.
Interpreted as a directed
has vertices each of which is identified with a distinct -bit
label. Using
to denote an arbitrary such label,
the edges of
are formed by
We identify -bit labels
with subsets of
, via
if and only if .
Similarly, any subset of can be described by a binary word, , of length ,
with if and only if
. For a label we use to denote the number of bits with
value , so that is the size of the subset . If
and are -bit labels, then is a -bit
label, so that if
are disjoint sets, then
describes the union of the subset of
with the subset
. Finally if
is an -bit
label then
denotes the label formed by changing all values in to
and vice versa. In this way, if is the subset of
by then
describes the set
To avoid an excess of superscripts we will, where no ambiguity arises, use both to denote
the -bit label and the subset of
described by it, e.g. we write
rather than
For the contract-net graph induced by -contracts can be viewed as the -dimensional
: the -bit label, associated with a vertex of
describing the allocation
. In this way the set of IR
-contracts define a subgraph,
with any directed path from to
corresponding to a possible IR -contract path from the allocation
to the allocation
Next: O-contract Paths - Unrestricted
Up: Lower Bounds on Path Length
Previous: Lower Bounds on Path Length
Paul Dunne