As a running example, we will use the solution plan for problem 1 in the Satellite domain shown in Figure 12. For each step, the figure shows the order in the linear plan, the action name, the argument list, the preconditions, and the effects. To keep the picture simple, we ignore static preconditions of actions. Static facts never occur as action effects, and therefore do not affect the interactions between preconditions and effects of actions.
In SOL-EP, macro-operators are extracted from the solutions of the training problems. Each training problem is first solved with no macros in use. The found plan can be represented as a solution graph, where each node represents a plan step (action), and edges model interactions between solution steps. Building the solution graph is step 1 (analysis) in our general four-step pattern. In IPC-4 we used a first implementation of the solution graph, that considers interactions only between two consecutive actions of a plan. Here an interaction is defined if the two actions have at least one common argument, or at least one action has no arguments at all. Hence the implementation described in this article extracts only such two-action sequences as possible macros.
The macro-actions extracted from a solution are translated into macro-operators by replacing their instantiated arguments with generic variables. This operation preserves the relative mapping between the arguments of the contained actions. Macro-actions with different sets of arguments can result in the same macro-operator. For the Satellite solution in Figure 12, the sequence TURN-TO followed by TAKE-IMAGE occurs three times. After replacing the constant arguments with generic variables, all occurrences yield the same macro-operator.
There are many pairs of actions in a solution, and a decision must be made as to which ones are going to beneficial as macro-operators in a search. Macros are statically filtered according to the rules of Section 2.2.1 excluding the limitation of the number of preconditions, which is not critical in this algorithm, and the locality rule. Also, as said before, we use a different version of the chaining rule. We request that the operators of a macro have common variables, unless an operator has 0 parameters.
Macro-operators are stored in a global list ordered by their weight, with smaller being better. Weights are initialized to 1.0 and updated in a dynamic ranking process using a gradient-descent method.
For each macro-operator extracted from the solution of a training problem,
we re-solve the problem with
in use.
be the solution length when no macros are used,
the number of nodes expanded to solve the problem with no macros,
the number of expanded nodes when macro
is used.
Then we use the difference
to update
, the weight of macro
can take arbitrarily large values, we map it
to a new value in the interval
The update formula also contains
a factor that measures the difficulty of the
training instance.
The harder the problem, the larger the weight update should be.
We use as the difficulty factor
the solution length rather than
since the former has a smaller variance over a training problem set.
The formula for updating
In CA-ED, only two macros are kept for future use, given the large extra-costs associated with this type of macros. In SOL-EP we allow an arbitrary (but still small) number of macros to be used in search, given the smaller extra-costs involved. SOL-EP macros have no preprocessing costs, and the cost per node in the search can be much smaller than in the case of CA-ED macros (see Table 4).
To decide the number of selected macros in a domain,
a weight threshold is defined.
This threshold can be seen as the weight of an imaginary macro
with ``constant performance'' in all training instances.
By ``constant performance'' we mean that,
for each training instance,
After all training problems have been processed,
macros with a weight smaller than
are selected for future use.
In experiments we set
to 0.01.
Given the competition tight deadline,
we invested limited time in studying this method
and tuning its parameters.
How to best determine the number of selected macros
is still an open problem for us,
which clearly needs more thourough study and evaluation.