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Overall Process

The overall process of automatically deriving concept hierarchies from text is depicted in Figure 1. First, the corpus is part-of-speech (POS) tagged1 using TreeTagger [53] and parsed using LoPar2 [54], thus yielding a parse tree for each sentence. Then, verb/subject, verb/object and verb/prepositional phrase dependencies are extracted from these parse trees. In particular, pairs are extracted consisting of the verb and the head of the subject, object or prepositional phrase they subcategorize. Then, the verb and the heads are lemmatized, i.e. assigned to their base form. In order to address data sparseness, the collection of pairs is smoothed, i.e. the frequency of pairs which do not appear in the corpus is estimated on the basis of the frequency of other pairs. The pairs are then weighted according to some statistical measure and only the pairs over a certain threshold are transformed into a formal context to which Formal Concept Analysis is applied. The lattice resulting from this, ($\mathfrak{B}$,$\leq$), is transformed into a partial order ($C'$,$\leq'$) which is closer to a concept hierarchy in the traditional sense. As FCA typically leads to a proliferation of concepts, the partial order is compacted in a pruning step, removing abstract concepts and leading to a compacted partial order ($C''$,$\leq''$) which is the resulting concept hierarchy. This process is described in detail in Section 3. The process is described more formally by Algorithm 1.
% latex2html id marker 61
...q')$; \\
\STATE return $(C'',\leq'')$; \\
Figure 1: Overall Process
\epsfig{file=processnew.eps, width=\textwidth}

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Philipp Cimiano 2005-08-04