Table 1 shows the performance, measured in cpu
time, of the algorithms on five classes of randomly generated
CSPs. All classes are from the hard phase transition region.
Classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are sparse, while 5 is more dense. We do
not include results on MHAC-2001- because experiments showed
that this algorithm has very similar behavior to MHAC-2001. The
reason is that, because of the nature of the constraints, the
dom/deg heuristic almost always selects original variables for
instantiation. In the rare cases where the heuristic selected dual
variables, this resulted in a large increase in cpu time.
From Table 1 we can see that MHAC-2001 performs
better than MGAC-2001 on the sparse problems. In general, for all
the 3-ary classes we tried with density less than the
relative run time performance of MHAC-2001 compared to MGAC-2001
ranged from being equal to being around 2-3 times faster. In the
very sparse class 4, which includes problems with 5-ary
constraints, MHAC-2001 is considerably more efficient than
MGAC-2001. This is due to the fact that for sparse problems with
relatively large domain sizes the hard region is located at low
constraint looseness (i.e. small domains for dual variables) where
only a few operations are required for the revision of dual
variables. Another factor contributing to the dominance of the
binary algorithm in class 4 is the larger arity of the
constraints. The non-binary algorithm requires more operations to
check the validity of tuples when the tuples are of large arity,
as explained in Section 3.1.
When the density of the graph increases (class 5), the overhead of revising the domains of dual variables and restoring them after failed instantiations slows down MHAC-2001, and as a result it is outperformed by MGAC-2001. For denser classes than the ones reported, the phase transition region is at a point where more than half of the tuples are allowed, and in such cases the non-binary algorithm performs even better.
Nikolaos Samaras 2005-11-09