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Empirical Evaluation: Inter-Planner Comparison

We first compare CAltAlt and $ POND$ with several planners on our conformant domains, then compare $ POND$ with the conditional planners on the conditional domains. Our purpose in this section is to identify the advantages of our techniques over the state of the art planners. We end the section with a discussion of general conclusions drawn from the evaluation.

Table 7: Comparison of planner features.
Planner Search Space Search Direction Conditional Heuristic Implementation
CAltAlt Belief Space Backward Planning Graph C
$ POND$ Belief Space Forward $ \surd$ Planning Graph C
MBP Belief Space Forward/Backward $ \surd$ Cardinality C
KACMBP Belief Space Forward Cardinality C
CGP Planning Graph Backward Planning Graph Lisp
SGP Planning Graph Backward $ \surd$ Planning Graph Lisp
GPT Belief Space Forward $ \surd$ State Space Plans C
YKA Belief Space Backward $ \surd$ Cardinality C
CFF Belief Space Forward Planning Graph C

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