Next: Path Consistency Algorithm
Up: Representing Temporal Information
Previous: Allen's framework
We tested how well the heuristics we developed for improving path
consistency and backtracking algorithms perform on a test suite
of problems.
The purpose of empirically testing the algorithms is to determine
the performance of the algorithms and the proposed improvements
on ``typical'' problems. There are two approaches:
(i) collect a set of ``benchmark'' problems that are
representative of problems that arise in practice, and
(ii) randomly generate problems and ``investigate how algorithmic
performance depends on problem characteristics ... and learn to
predict how an algorithm will perform on a given problem class''
For IA networks, there is no existing collection of large
benchmark problems that actually arise in practice---as opposed
to, for example, planning in a toy domain such as the blocks
world. As a start to a collection, we propose an IA
network with 145 intervals that arose from a problem in molecular biology
(see Example 2, above; [4]).
The proposed benchmark problem is not strictly speaking a
temporal reasoning problem as the intervals represent segments of
DNA, not intervals of time. Nevertheless, it can be formulated
as a temporal reasoning problem. The value is that the benchmark
problem arose in a real application. We will refer to this
problem as Benzer's matrix.
In addition to the benchmark problem,
in this paper we use two models of a random IA network,
S(n, p),
to evaluate the
performance of the algorithms, where n is the number
of intervals, and p is the probability of a (non-trivial)
constraint between two intervals.
Model B(n) is intended to model the problems that
arise in molecular biology
(as estimated from the problem discussed in [4]).
Model S(n, p) allows us to study how algorithm
performance depends on the important problem characteristic of
sparseness of the underlying constraint graph.
Both models, of course, allow us to study how algorithm
performance depends on the size of the problem.
For B(n), the random instances are generated as follows.
Step 1.
Generate a ``solution'' of size n as follows. Generate n
real intervals by randomly generating values for the end points
of the intervals. Determine the IA network by determining,
for each pair of intervals, whether the two intervals either
intersect or are disjoint.
Step 2.
Change some of the constraints on edges to be the trivial
constraint by setting the label to be I, the set of all 13
basic relations. This represents the case where no experiment
was performed to determine whether a pair of DNA segments
intersect or are disjoint. Constraints are changed so that the
percentage of non-trivial constraints (approximately 6% are
intersects and 17% are disjoint) and their distribution in the
graph are similar to those in Benzer's matrix.
For S(n, p), the random instances are generated as
Step 1. Generate the underlying constraint graph by
indicating which of the possible
n (n - 1)/ 2
edges is present. Let each edge be present with probability p,
independently of the presence or absence of other edges.
Step 2. If an edge occurs in the underlying constraint
graph, randomly chose a label for the edge from the set of all
possible labels (excluding the empty label) where each label is
chosen with equal probability. If an edge does not occur, label
the edge with I, the set of all 13 basic relations.
Step 3.
Generate a ``solution'' of size n as follows. Generate n
real intervals by randomly generating values for the end points
of the intervals. Determine the consistent scenario by
determining the basic relations which are satisfied by the
intervals. Finally, add the solution to the IA network
generated in Steps 1-2.
Hence, only consistent IA networks are generated from
S(n, p).
If we omit Step 3, it can be shown both analytically and
empirically that almost all of the different possible IA
networks generated by this distribution are inconsistent and that
the inconsistency is easily detected by a path consistency
algorithm. To avoid this potential pitfall, we test our
algorithms on consistent instances of the problem. This method
appears to generate a very reasonable test set for temporal
reasoning algorithms with problems that range from easy to hard.
It was found, for example, that instances drawn from S(n, 1/4)
were hard problems for the backtracking algorithms to solve, whereas
for values of p on either side (S(n, 1/2) and
S(n, 1/8))
the problems were easier.
Next: Path Consistency Algorithm
Up: Representing Temporal Information
Previous: Allen's framework