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Q-DAG Evaluation

Now that we have a reduced Q-DAG, we can use it to compute answers to diagnostic queries. This section presents examples of this evaluation with respect to the generated Q-DAG.

Suppose that we obtain the readings dead, normal, ok and full for the battery, oil, alternator and fuel sensors, respectively. And let us compute the probability distribution over the fault variable. This obtained evidence is formalized as follows:


Evidence-specific nodes can now be evaluated according to Definition [*]. For example, we have
The evaluation of evidence-specific nodes is shown pictorially in Figure 18(a). Definition [*] can then be used to evaluate the remaining nodes: once the values of a node's parents are known, the value of that node can be determined. Figure 18(b) depicts the results of evaluating other nodes. The result of interest here is the probability 0.00434 assigned to the query node tex2html_wrap1740.

Suppose now that evidence has changed so that the value of fuel sensor is empty instead of full. To update the probability assigned to node tex2html_wrap1740, a brute force method will re-evaluate the whole Q-DAG. However, if a forward propagation scheme is used to implement the node evaluator, then only four nodes need to be re-evaluated in Figure 18(b) (those enclosed in circles) instead of thirteen (the total number of nodes). We stress this point because this refined updating scheme, which is easy to implement in this framework, is much harder to achieve when one attempts to embed it in standard belief-network algorithms based on message passing.

Figure: Evaluating the Q-DAG for the car diagnosis example given evidence for sensors. The bar in (a) indicates the instantiation of the ESNs. The shaded numbers in (b) indicate probability values that are computed by the node evaluator. The circled operations on the left-hand-side of (b) are the only ones that need to be updated if evidence for the fuel-system sensor is altered, as denoted by the circled ESNs.  

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