We now show how the proposed Q-DAG algorithm can be used to generate a Q-DAG for the belief network in Figure 4(a).
Figure: A join tree quantified with numbers (a), and
with Q-DAG nodes (b).
We have only one evidence variable in this example, . And we are interested
in generating a Q-DAG for answering queries about variable
, that is,
queries of the form
Figure [*](a) shows the join tree for the belief network in
Figure 4(a), where the tables contain the potential functions
needed for the probabilistic clustering algorithm.
Figure [*](b) shows the join tree again, but the tables
contain the potential functions needed by the Q-DAG clustering algorithm.
Note that the tables are filled with Q-DAGs instead of numbers.
We now apply the Q-DAG algorithm. To compute the Q-DAG nodes that will evaluate
to , we must compute the posterior distribution
over cluster
since this is a cluster to which variable
belongs. We can then
sum the distribution over variable
to obtain what we want. To compute
the distribution
we must first compute the message
to cluster
The message is computed by summing the potential function
of cluster
over all possible values of variable
, i.e.,
which leads to:
The posterior distribution over cluster ,
, is computed using
which leads to
The Q-DAG node for answering queries of the form
computed by summing the posterior
over variable
leading to
which is the Q-DAG depicted in Figure 4(b).
Therefore, the result of applying the algorithm is two Q-DAG nodes, one
will evaluate to and the other will evaluate to
under any instantiation
of evidence