CMU RoboSoccer
Small Real Robot Team Homepage

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CMUnited'98 small robots

Manuela Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han, Sorin Achim.

CMUnited-97 Robot Team Members

    CMUnited-97 is the RoboCup-97 World Champion Team!

    We have a 5-minute and a 30-minute video of our team.
    Send email to Manuela Veloso, , if you would like to receive a copy of one video (specify 5 or 30 minutes).
Pictures and some more recent pictures.
Pictures of the demonstration of our robots playing hockey! at a Penguins playoff game, 4/23/98, against the Canadiens.

Book Chapters

  • Manuela Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han, and Sorin Achim,
    "The CMUnited-97 Small Robot Team", in Proceedings of RoboCup-97: The First Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences, H. Kitano (ed.), 1998, published by Springer Verlag, Berlin. HTML version


Conferences, Symposia and Workshops

[count] accesses since 11/14/1997.

RoboSoccer Project Homepage | Computer Science Department | School of Computer Science