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Web Links for Researchers: Technologies

This list is a compilation of many assistive technology projects and papers.

Commercially available products

Research Projects

Papers (for projects with no corresponding web site)

See also Research Resources (data about elders)

Related technologies

Commercially available products

Because we do not want to seen as endorsing specific products, we include only links to sites that provide indices.
  • Able Data. This searchable database contains information on more than 29,000 assistive technology products, from white canes to voice output programs. Their factsheets also provide overviews of classes of devices.

  • Technologies for Independence. This site presents an overview of the changes that normally occur with aging, disabling conditions, how people cope with them, and the types of technologies available to help. It includes links to vendors and other organizations addressing the topics.

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Research Projects

  • The Adaptive House
    A University of Colorado project developing a home that essentially programs itself by observing the lifestyle and desires of the inhabitants, and learning to anticipate and accommodate their needs. The system controls basic residential comfort systems -- HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), water heater, and interior lighting.

  • Assisted Cognition
    A University of Washington project aiming to create novel computer systems that will enhance the quality of life of people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and similar cognitive disorders.

  • ASTRID The ASTRID Guide provides information, discussion and guidelines on how assistive technology can be included within dementia care services.

  • AwareHome
    The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) at Georgia Institute of Technology is a focused research program, whose goal is to develop the requisite technologies to create a home environment that can both perceive and assist its occupants.

  • The British Columbia Institute of Technology Health Technology Team
    BCIT develops and evaluates technologies to help people who have been injured or disabled lead more independent lives. Gerontology is one of their research foci.

  • The Center for Future Health
    This University of Rochester center is a cross-disciplinary research effort to develop interactive technology for home health care.

  • Custodian
    Custodian is a Europen project to enable access to technology and services for disabled and elderly people and use information and communication technologies to improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of services which support independent living.

  • Defie (Disabled and Elderly people Flexible Integrated Environment) A multimedia, integrated system that allows the elderly and motor and/or sensory impaired people to command and control domestic and working environments with a high degree of self-sufficiency and safety. 1993 to 1996.

  • EasyLiving Project.
    A ubiquitous computing project of the Vision Group at Microsoft Research. EasyLiving is developing a prototype architecture and technologies for building intelligent environments.

  • Elite-Care
    Elite-Care is a small compmany that designs, builds, and runs high-tech retirement homes in Oregon. This article describes the technology behind Elite-Care: Using Pervasive Computing to Deliver Elder Care, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 1(1):10-13, January-March 2002

  • Gloucester Smart House
    This U.K. project is developing technology that will be able to support people with dementia and their caregivers in their own homes.

  • Guardian Angel
    Guardian Angel is a project in 1994 to put power and responsibility for health care more into the hands of patients by providing tools to collect and manage their health data, to educate them about health conditions, to help them manage your own treatment, and to enable them to communicate more effectively with health care providers.

  • HAL: The Next Generation Intelligent Room
    This MIT AI lab project is a highly interactive environment that uses embedded computation to observe and participate in the normal, everyday events occurring in the world around it. They are working towards creating rooms that listen to you and watch what you do; rooms you can speak with, gesture to, and interact with in other complex ways.

  • House_n: the Home of the Future
    This MIT Architecture project is focused on how the home and its related technologies, products, and services should evolve to better meet the opportunities and challenges of the future. Research projects include home design, home control and behavioral monitoring.

  • Institute on Aging
    The faculty of the Institute on Aging conduct and facilitate aging-related research, education and service at the University of Florida.

  • Intelligent Home Project
    This University of Massachusetts project researches multi-agent systems in the context of managing a simulated intelligent environment. The primary research focus is on resource coordination, e.g. managing the hot water supply.

  • Medical Automation Research Center
    The MARC, based at the University of Virginia, is developing automation and robotic systems to reduce the cost and improve the quality of health care. Projects include a smart in-home monitoring system and an intelligent walker.

  • NurseBot
    This joint project between Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh is developing mobile, personal service robots that assist elderly people suffering from chronic disorders in their everyday life.

  • Oxygen
    This MIT ubiquitous computing project aims at bringing pervasive, human-centered computing into every aspect of our lives. Intelligent perception and intuitive user interfaces are some of the technologies that may aid elder independence.

  • Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Aging
    This University at Buffalo center focusses on creating useful assistive devices for the elderly, and provides dissemination and technical assistance to all appropriate audiences.

  • Safe at Home
    This British project was established to look closely at the potential of new technologies in helping to meet the needs of people with dementia in their own homes, in conjunction with other home care services. One report describes an experiment to measure whether equipment would play a part in helping elders maintain independence.

  • Sincere Kourien
    This high-tech retirement home in Japan, run by Matsushita Electrics, features robot bears that watch over the elderly residents. The bears monitor patients' response times to spoken questions. They record how long the elders spend performing various tasks, before relaying conclusions to staff or alerting them to unexpected changes. Matsushita also develops smart home technology (see also this article).

  • Smart Homes
    This U.K. project is evaluating the use of home automation and assistive technologies in affordable and social housing.

  • Smart Homes Foundation
    Based in the Netherlands, the Smart Homes Foundation is a new internationally oriented platform for promoting smart home technology. Various aspects of smart homes, such as technical infrastructure, software & hardware, applications and marketing issues, as well as societal impacts will be highlighted. The site is aimed at both users of smart home technology and developers of smart homes and smart home technologies.

  • University Memory and Aging Center
    This Cleveland-based organization promote the best possible care for persons with memory problems and their families, through clinical services, education, and technology research.

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These papers do not have corresponding project pages. If multiple papers were published by the same group, we only list one representative example.

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