Journal Publications
- Michael Nechyba and Yangsheng Xu,
Stochastic similarity for validating human control strategy models,
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation,
May, 1998.
- Michael Nechyba and Yangsheng Xu,
Learning and transfer of human real-time control strategy,
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence,
Jan, 1998.
- Bin Liang, Yangsheng Xu and Marcel Bergerman,
Mapping a free-floating space manipulator to a dynamically equivalent
ASME Trans on Dynamics, Measurement, and Control,
Vol.120, March 1998, pp.1-7.
- Marcel Bergerman and Yangsheng Xu,
Optimal control of manipulators with any number of passive joints,
Journal of Robotic Systems,
Vol.15, No.3, pp. 115-130, March, 1998.
- Ben Brown and Yangsheng Xu,
A single-wheel, gyroscopically stabilized robot,
IEEE Robotics and Automation,
Vol.4, No.3, pp.39-44, Sept. 1997.
- Michael Nechyba and Yangsheng Xu,
Human control strategy learning and transfer: abstraction, verification,
and replication,
IEEE Control Systems,
Vol.17, No.5, pp.48-61, Oct. 1997.
- Jie Yang, Yangsheng Xu, and C.S. Chen,
Human action learning via Hidden Markov Model,
IEEE Trans. on System, Man, and Cybernetics,
Vol.27, No.1, pp.34-44, 1997.
- Marcel Bergerman and Yangsheng Xu,
Robust control of under-actuated manipulator systems,
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control,
Vol.118, No.3, pp.557-565, 1996.
- Chris Lee and Yangsheng Xu,
(DM)^2: a modular solution for robotic lunar missions,
International Journal on Space Technology, Vol.16, No.1, pp.49-58, 1996.
- Michael Nechyba and Yangsheng Xu,
Human-robot coordination in space: (SM)^2 for new space station structure,
IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation, Vol.2, No.4, pp.4-11, 1995.
- Marcel Bergerman, Chris Lee, and Yangsheng Xu,
Dynamic coupling index for underactuated manipulators,
Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol.12, No.10, pp.693-707, 1995.
- Yangsheng Xu, et al,
Robust control of free-floating space robot systems,
International Journal of Control, Vol.61, No.2, pp.261-277,
- Yangsheng Xu, Raju S. Mattikalli, and Pradeep K. Khosla,
Determining two minimal circumscribing disks for a polygon,
International Journal of Computer-Aided Design, Vol.27, No.3,
pp.223-234, 1995.
- Yangsheng Xu, Raju S. Mattikalli, and Pradeep K. Khosla,
Generation of partial medial axis for disassembly motion plan,
Journal of Design and Manufacturing, Vol.5, pp.89-102, 1995.
- You-Liang Gu and Yangsheng Xu,
A normal form augmentation approach to adaptive control
of space robot systems,
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Vol.5, No.3,
pp.275-294, 1995.
- Alexander Douglas and Yangsheng Xu,
Real-time shared control system for space telerobotics,
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, No.13, pp.247-262, 1995.
- Jie Yang, Yangsheng Xu, and C.S. Chen,
Hidden Markov Model approach to skill learning and
its application in telerobotics,
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol.10, No.5,
pp.621-631, 1994.
- Yangsheng Xu, Ben Brown, Mark Friedman, and Takeo Kanade,
Control systems of Self-Mobile Space Manipulator,
IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, Vol.2, No.3,
pp.207-219, 1994.
- Yangsheng Xu and H.Y. Shum,
Dynamic control and coupling of a free-flying space robot system,
Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol.11, No.7, pp.573-589, 1994.
- Jie Yang, Yangsheng Xu, and C.S. Chen,
Model reduction of flexible manipulators,
International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol.9, No.4,
pp.199-204, 1994.
- Yangsheng Xu and Hiroshi Ueno,
Modeling and configuration-independent control of self-mobile
space manipulator,
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, No.10, pp.37-58, 1994.
- Yangsheng Xu, Ben Brown, Shigeru Aoki, and Takeo Kanade,
Mobility and manipulation of a light-weight space robot,
Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol.13, pp.1-12, 1994.
- Yangsheng Xu, H.Y. Shum, J.J. Lee, and T. Kanade,
Parameterization and adaptive control of space robot systems,
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.30, No.2,
pp.435-451, 1994.
- Om Agrawal and Yangsheng Xu,
Global optimum path planning of a redundant space robot,
IEEE Trans. on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol.24, No.9,
pp.1306-1316, 1994.
- Ju-Jang Lee and Yangsheng Xu,
A new method of switching surface design for multivariable variable
structure systems,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.39, No.2, pp.414-419, 1994.
- Greg White and Yangsheng Xu,
An active vertical-direction gravity compensation system,
IEEE Trans. on Instruments and Measurement, Vol.43, No.6, pp.786-792,
- Jie Yang, C.S. Chen, and Yangsheng Xu,
Automatic tuning of phase-lead and phase-lag compensators,
International Journal of Control, Vol.60, No.4, pp.631-640, 1994.
- Pramath Sinha, Yangsheng Xu, Ruzena Bajcsy, and Richard Paul,
Robotic exploration of surfaces with a compliant wrist sensor,
International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.12, No.2,
pp.107-120, 1993, MIT Press.
- Yangsheng Xu and Takeo Kanade,
Space Robotics: Dynamics and Control, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1993.
- Ju-Jang Lee and Yangsheng Xu,
A multiple rate control scheme of robot manipulators,
Journal of Systems Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, pp.22-33, 1993,
- Ju-Jang Lee and Yangsheng Xu,
Variable structure control using adaptive boundary of system uncertainty,
International Journal of System Science, Vol.24, No.2, pp.277-287,
- R.T. Newton and Yangsheng Xu,
Neural network control of a space manipulator,
IEEE Control Systems, Vol.13, No.6, pp.14-22, 1993.
- A. Schacherbauer and Yangsheng Xu,
Fuzzy kinematic mapping for a redundant robot,
Journal of Computer in Engineering, Vol.22, pp. 159-168, 1993,
Elsevier Publishers.
- Jie Yang, C.S. Chen, J.A. De Abreu-Garcia, and Yangsheng Xu,
Model reduction of unstable systems,
International Journal of System Science, Vol.24, No.12, pp.2407-2414,
- Yangsheng Xu and Richard P. Paul,
Robotic instrumented compliant wrist,
ASME Journal of Industry Engineering, Vol.114, pp.120-123, 1992.
- Yangsheng Xu, Xiaoping Yun, and Richard P. Paul,
Dynamics and control of robot manipulator
and compliant wrist system,
International Journal of Robotics and Automation,
Vol.7, No.2, pp.57-66, 1992.
- S.-K. Tso, and Yangsheng Xu, and H.-Y. Shum,
Variable structure model reference adaptive control of
robot manipulators,
Journal of System Engineering, Vol.1, pp.22-30, 1991,
- Yangsheng Xu, Xiaoping Yun, and Richard P. Paul,
Nonlinear feedback control of robot manipulator
and compliant wrist,
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Vol.1,
pp.325-339, 1991, Kluwer Publishers.
Last updated Feb. 30, 1998 by Yangsheng Xu