and Managing Business Risks: Differences between Entrepreneurs and
Bankers," with D.K. Sarasvathy and L. Lave, Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 33(2), 207-225, 1998
"Economics as Historical
Science," Theoria, 13(32), 241-260, 1998
Administrative Behavior,
fourth edition, 1997;
Models of Bounded Rationality,
1981, Vol. III, 1997;
The Sciences of the Artificial,
third edition, 1996;
Protocol Analysis: Verbal
Reports as Data, with A. Ericsson, Second Edition, 1993;
Models of My Life, 1991;
Scientific Discovery: Computational
Explorations of the Creative Processes, with P. Langley, G. L. Bradshaw
and J. Zytkow, 1987;
Reason in Human Affairs,
1983; Models of Thought, Vols. I and II, 1979;
Skew Distribution and the
Sizes of Business Firms, 1977;
Models of Discovery, 1977;
The New Science of Management
Decision, revised edition, 1977;
Human Problem Solving,
with A. Newell, 1972.