A. Simon's scientific output goes far beyond the disciplines in which
he has held professorships: political science, administration, psychology
and information sciences. He has made contributions in the fields
of science theory, applied mathematics, statistics, operations research,
economics and business and public administration (and), in all areas
in which he has conducted research, Simon has had something of importance
to say."
From the official Nobel Prize announcement of the Royal Academy of
Sciences in Sweden
of Herbert Simon's Major Works
Talks, and Interviews Given by Herbert A. Simon
"Is it our Job to
Forecast the Future or to Fashion it" by Herbert A. Simon,
October 19, 2000, Earthware Symposium. Available on-line at the
Universal Library. Follow the link to the Newell-Simon Inauguration
and Earthware Symposium.
the Gap: Where Cognitive Science Meets Literary Criticism"
by Herbert Simon, Stanford Humanities Review
Humans Solve Problems," by Herbert Simon, hosted by Wonders
of the Mind, hypermind Online Programs
Simon Recalls Berkeley and the Birth of Administrative Behavior,"
Institute of Governmental Studies (IGA), UC Berkeley
We Know About Learning", Herbert Simon's speech at 1997
Frontiers in Education Conference: Teaching and Learning in an Era
of Change
on Herbert A. Simon
Citation from Herbert
Simon's award of the 1988
John von Neumann Theory Prize from INFORMS
"ASIS Conjures Information Future", 1998, Library Journal,
Britannica.com, reports
on the American Society for Information Sicence (ASIS) conference
at which Herbert Simon discussing the future of human work in a
computer age the lact of meaningful work
Simon and Chunking" by David Wiles, Professor Emeritus,
Educational Admin and Policy, University of Albany
Simon's Theories of Intelligence , Cognitive Architectures,
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Michigan
Simon on Resource Dependency Theory" by Keith Rollag, Department
of Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University
Alexander Simon" by Jean Zhao , University of Colorado
at Boulder
about Herbert Simon", Industrial Sociology Course taught
by Stephen Appold, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology,
National University of Singapore