Moving a tube with electrostatic forces [.avi]
Early demonstration of electrostatic forces moving a hand-made tube. (2008) (4MB) |
Examining a stress-induced sphere made by AFRL [.avi]
Courtesy Rob Reid, AFRL (2008) (9MB) |
AFRL sphere being moved by electrostatic forces [.avi]
Courtesy Rob Reid, AFRL (2008) (4MB) |
data aggregation in LDP [.avi]
2007 (7MB) |
Shear E-latch cubes [.avi]
Version 2 of the expanding cubes 2007 (50MB) |
Phototropic ensemble in Meld [.mpg]
An example of a one-line Meld program creating a phototropic ensemble. 2007 |
block to man [.mpg]
Example of an early shape planning approach used to transform a block to a very small humanoid. 2007 |
Example of LDP to create a snake-gait [.avi]
2007 (14MB) |
Ensemble Motion (Version 8) [.avi]
Ensemble motion where three catoms change the shape of the ensemble. 40MB (03/2007) |
One Planar Catom (Version 8) Moving Back and Forth [.mov]
One planar catom moving back and forth around two others (which are actively holding each other together). 4MB (01/2007) |
Version 7 of Planar Catoms [.avi]
Planar Catoms moving around each other demonstrated at IDF (Version 7) of planar catoms. 4MB (09/2006) |
Catoms Moving Towards a Goal [.avi]
Simulation of a group of catoms moving towards a goal using the distributed centeroid estimator and connectivity estimator. 16MB (09/2006) |
1 Cube Moving Another Cube [.avi]
Demonstration of using electrostatics as a latching mechanism. 7MB (08/2006) |
Future Ad [.mov]
An over the top “future ad” for programmable matter as a CAD tool was put together by the ETC (play with sound on). 68MB (2006) |
Future Ad [.wmv]
Above video; much smaller. 10MB (2006) |
Slice of Car Design [.avi]
A small slice of the above video slowed. 752KB (2006) |
Spelling Out Intel [.mov]
Video showing simulations of hole motion. 10MB (2005) |
Spelling Out DARPA [.avi]
Video showing simulations of hole motion. 3MB (2005) |
Planar Catoms (Version 4) Moving [.avi]
The planar catoms moving back and forth. 2MB (02/2005) |
Antenna Demo [.mpg]
A small video demonstrating how changing the shape of an antenna can change its performance. 6MB (2005) |
Two Planar Catoms Ticking Back and Forth [.mov]
The first test of two catoms moving with only 3 magnets each. 2MB (08/2004) |
Simulation of 2D Catoms Finding Other Catoms [.mpg]
4MB (2004) |
Simulation of Distributed Localization Using 2D Catoms [.mpg]
2MB (2004) |
Simulation of 3D catoms finding other catoms [.mpeg]
3MB (2004) |