CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Class Notes: Dictionaries

  1. Quick Example
  2. Creating Dictionaries
  3. Using Dictionaries
  4. Properties of Dictionaries
    1. Dictionaries Map Keys to Values
    2. Keys are Sets
    3. Values are Unrestricted
    4. Dictionaries are Very Efficient
  5. Some Worked Examples Using Dictionaries

  1. Quick Example  
    # A dictionary is a data structure that maps keys to values in the same way
    # that a list maps indexes to values. However, keys can be any immutable value!
    stateMap = { 'pittsburgh':'PA', 'chicago':'IL', 'seattle':'WA', 'boston':'MA' }
    city = input("Enter a city name --> ").lower()
    if (city in stateMap):
        print(city.title(), "is in", stateMap[city])
        print("Sorry, never heard of it.")

    Another Example:
    counts = dict()
    while True:
        n = int(input("Enter an integer (0 to end) --> "))
        if (n == 0): break
        if (n in counts):
            counts[n] += 1
            counts[n] = 1
        print("I have seen", n, "a total of", counts[n], "time(s)")
    print("Done, counts:", counts)

  2. Creating Dictionaries  
    • Create an empty dictionary
      d = dict()
      print(d)    # prints {}
      # We can also use empty braces
      d = { }
      print(d)    # prints {}

    • Create a dictionary from a list of (key, value) pairs
      pairs = [("cow", 5), ("dog", 98), ("cat", 1)]
      d = dict(pairs)
      print(d)    # unpredictable order!

    • Statically-allocate a dictionary
      d = { "cow":5, "dog":98, "cat":1 }
      print(d)    # ditto!

  3. Using Dictionaries
    # We can interact with dictionaries in a similar way to lists/sets
    d = { "a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : 3 }
    print(len(d)) # prints 3, the number of key-value pairs
    print("a" in d) # prints True
    print(2 in d) # prints False - we check the keys, not the values
    print(2 not in d) # prints True
    print("a" not in d) # prints False
    print(d["a"]) # finds the value associated with the given key. Crashes if the key is not in d
    print(d.get("z", 42)) # finds the value of the key if the key is in the dictionary,
    # or returns the second (default) value if the key is not in d
    d["e"] = "wow" # adds a new key-value pair to the dictionary, or updates the value of a current key
    del d["e"] # removes the key-value pair specified from the dictionary. Crashes if the key is not in d
    for key in d:
        print(key, d[key]) # we can iterate over the keys, then print out the keys or corresponding values

  4. Properties of Dictionaries  
    1. Dictionaries Map Keys to Values
      ages = dict()
      key = "fred"
      value = 38
      ages[key] = value  # "fred" is the key, 38 is the value

    2. Keys are Sets
      • Keys are unordered
        d = dict()
        d[2] = 100
        d[4] = 200
        d[8] = 300
        print(d)  # unpredictable order

      • Keys are unique
        d = dict()
        d[2] = 100
        d[2] = 200
        d[2] = 400
        print(d)  # { 2:400 }

      • Keys must be immutable
        d = dict()
        a = [1] # lists are mutable, so...
        d[a] = 42 # Error: unhashable type: 'list'

    3. Values are Unrestricted
      # values may be mutable
      d = dict()
      a = [1,2]
      d["fred"] = a
      a += [3]
      print(d["fred"]) # sees change in a!
      # but keys may not be mutable
      d[a] = 42       # TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

    4. Dictionaries are Very Efficient
      As mentioned above, a dictionary's keys are stored as a set. This means that finding where a key is stored takes constant time. This lets us look up a dictionary's value based on a key in constant time too!

  5. Some Worked Examples Using Dictionaries
    • isAnagram(s1, s2)  
      Here we rewrite the 1d-list isAnagram example only using a dictionary instead.
      from collections import defaultdict
      #: Option 1: initializing d[key] to 0:
      def letterCounts(s):
          counts = dict()
          for ch in s.upper():
              if ch.isalpha():
                  if ch not in counts:
                      counts[ch] = 0
                  counts[ch] += 1
          return counts
      # Option 2: using d.get(key, defaultValue):
      def letterCounts(s):
          counts = dict()
          for ch in s.upper():
              if ch.isalpha():
                  counts[ch] = counts.get(ch, 0) + 1
          return counts
      # Option 3: using defaultdict(lambda: defaultValue)
      #    Note that defaultdict is not part of the
      #    required 112 subset, but it is very handy.
      def letterCounts(s):
          counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
          for ch in s.upper():
              if ch.isalpha():
                  counts[ch] += 1
          return counts
      # Regardless, this makes isAnagram clear and efficient:
      def isAnagram(s1, s2):
          return (letterCounts(s1) == letterCounts(s2))
      def testIsAnagram():
          print("Testing isAnagram()...", end="")
          assert(isAnagram("", "") == True)
          assert(isAnagram("abCdabCd", "abcdabcd") == True)
          assert(isAnagram("abcdaBcD", "AAbbcddc") == True)
          assert(isAnagram("abcdaabcd", "aabbcddcb") == False)
      Note: while collections is not part of the 112 required curriculum, it is an interesting and sometimes very helpful module. For more, see here.

    • mostFrequent(L)  
      def mostFrequent(L):
          # Return most frequent element in L, resolving ties arbitrarily.
          maxValue = None
          maxCount = 0
          counts = dict()
          for element in L:
              count = 1 + counts.get(element, 0)
              counts[element] = count
              if (count > maxCount):
                  maxCount = count
                  maxValue = element
          return maxValue
      def testMostFrequent():
          print("Testing mostFrequent()... ", end="")
          assert(mostFrequent([2,5,3,4,6,4,2,4,5]) == 4)
          assert(mostFrequent([2,3,4,3,5,3,6,3,7]) == 3)
          assert(mostFrequent([42]) == 42)
          assert(mostFrequent([]) == None)

    • mostPopularNames()
      # example creating a dictionary
      # from real data on the web
      # This data is copied from:
      mostPopularNamesData = '''\
      1    James   4,735,694   Mary    3,265,105
      2   John    4,502,387   Patricia    1,560,897
      3   Robert  4,499,901   Jennifer    1,467,664
      4   Michael 4,330,025   Linda   1,448,309
      5   William 3,601,719   Elizabeth   1,428,981
      6   David   3,563,170   Barbara 1,402,428
      7   Richard 2,467,544   Susan   1,104,407
      8   Joseph  2,352,889   Jessica 1,045,519
      9   Thomas  2,160,330   Sarah   993,847
      10  Charles 2,106,078   Karen   985,728
      11  Christopher 2,032,843   Nancy   969,544
      12  Daniel  1,889,640   Lisa    965,003
      13  Matthew 1,600,285   Margaret    944,344
      14  Anthony 1,403,920   Betty   938,638
      15  Donald  1,348,220   Sandra  873,609
      16  Mark    1,346,509   Ashley  847,504
      17  Paul    1,286,846   Dorothy 847,468
      18  Steven  1,281,302   Kimberly    838,235
      19  Andrew  1,252,016   Emily   826,262
      20  Kenneth 1,226,558   Donna   823,285
      21  Joshua  1,214,872   Michelle    811,401
      22  Kevin   1,172,372   Carol   807,303
      23  Brian   1,166,797   Amanda  772,882
      24  George  1,159,331   Melissa 753,157
      25  Edward  1,097,742   Deborah 739,809
      26  Ronald  1,073,062   Stephanie   738,123
      27  Timothy 1,069,165   Rebecca 729,683
      28  Jason   1,035,285   Laura   721,299
      29  Jeffrey 975,104 Sharon  720,816
      30  Ryan    937,629 Cynthia 705,685
      31  Jacob   925,412 Kathleen    689,366
      32  Gary    899,858 Amy 680,682
      33  Nicholas    891,818 Shirley 668,154
      34  Eric    877,492 Angela  658,437
      35  Jonathan    844,121 Helen   652,923
      36  Stephen 840,005 Anna    629,400
      37  Larry   802,430 Brenda  606,286
      38  Justin  777,285 Pamela  592,694
      39  Scott   769,663 Nicole  588,265
      40  Brandon 759,155 Samantha    576,029
      41  Benjamin    730,425 Katherine   574,858
      42  Samuel  710,086 Emma    570,150
      43  Frank   707,244 Ruth    563,391
      44  Gregory 706,987 Christine   563,333
      45  Raymond 679,913 Catherine   550,466
      46  Alexander   666,982 Debra   548,279
      47  Patrick 663,725 Rachel  546,309
      48  Jack    637,347 Carolyn 542,250
      49  Dennis  611,319 Janet   541,277
      50  Jerry   602,696 Virginia    531,894
      51  Tyler   589,687 Maria   528,760
      52  Aaron   579,578 Heather 524,161
      53  Jose    559,823 Diane   515,256
      54  Henry   553,392 Julie   506,315
      55  Adam    551,342 Joyce   500,601
      56  Douglas 549,324 Victoria    481,786
      57  Nathan  544,555 Kelly   471,257
      58  Peter   540,603 Christina   471,012
      59  Zachary 537,934 Lauren  469,625
      60  Kyle    480,276 Joan    469,101
      61  Walter  476,581 Evelyn  466,314
      62  Harold  448,640 Olivia  464,246
      63  Jeremy  437,552 Judith  449,885
      64  Ethan   435,390 Megan   437,186
      65  Carl    431,805 Cheryl  436,878
      66  Keith   431,764 Martha  434,595
      67  Roger   429,723 Andrea  434,410
      68  Gerald  428,208 Frances 429,429
      69  Christian   425,034 Hannah  426,616
      70  Terry   422,106 Jacqueline  420,348
      71  Sean    418,691 Ann 412,411
      72  Arthur  415,722 Gloria  409,072
      73  Austin  411,665 Jean    407,127
      74  Noah    409,039 Kathryn 406,120
      75  Lawrence    407,197 Alice   404,664
      76  Jesse   388,484 Teresa  404,603
      77  Joe 388,230 Sara    401,653
      78  Bryan   381,581 Janice  400,210
      79  Billy   379,560 Doris   395,048
      80  Jordan  378,141 Madison 387,071
      81  Albert  377,227 Julia   383,225
      82  Dylan   377,049 Grace   379,239
      83  Bruce   375,986 Judy    378,014
      84  Willie  367,775 Abigail 373,862
      85  Gabriel 352,072 Marie   373,633
      86  Alan    348,591 Denise  371,019
      87  Juan    345,375 Beverly 370,608
      88  Logan   341,413 Amber   369,981
      89  Wayne   339,139 Theresa 369,848
      90  Ralph   338,689 Marilyn 369,847
      91  Roy 338,079 Danielle    367,791
      92  Eugene  330,306 Diana   358,617
      93  Randy   327,821 Brittany    358,579
      94  Vincent 322,824 Natalie 352,644
      95  Russell 321,274 Sophia  351,883
      96  Louis   320,157 Rose    351,296
      97  Philip  315,423 Isabella    342,345
      98  Bobby   313,302 Alexis  339,548
      99  Johnny  308,243 Kayla   339,169
      100 Bradley 306,339 Charlotte   338,315'''
      # remove the commas in the numbers:
      mostPopularNamesData = mostPopularNamesData.replace(',','')
      def mostPopularNames():
          mostPopularNameCounts = dict()
          for line in mostPopularNamesData.splitlines():
              index,name1,count1,name2,count2 = line.split()
              mostPopularNameCounts[name1] = int(count1)
              mostPopularNameCounts[name2] = int(count2)
          while True:
              name = input('Enter a name (or leave blank to quit) --> ')
              name = name.capitalize()
              if (name == ''): break
              if (name in mostPopularNameCounts):
                  print(f'  {name} has a count of {mostPopularNameCounts[name]}')
                  print(f'  {name} is not in the list!')

    • simpleTextAdventure() (optional)
      # This is designed to be very simple, and to showcase
      # dictionaries and sets.  In fact, it uses dictionaries
      # in some ways that would be better-designed using
      # OOP (object-oriented programming).  We'll revisit this
      # example and improve upon it when we learn OOP later
      # this semester.
      # To win the (rather silly) game:
      #   get orange
      #   go east
      #   feed statue
      def simpleTextAdventure():
          gameState = getInitialGameState()
          while not gameState['gameOver']:
              currentRoom = getCurrentRoom(gameState)
              print(f'I am in {currentRoom["description"]}')
              print(f'I am carrying {thingsToString(gameState["inventory"])}')
              print(f'I can see {thingsToString(currentRoom["contents"])}')
              verb, noun = getCommand()
              if (verb == 'go'): doGo(gameState, noun)
              elif (verb == 'quit'): print('Goodbye!'); break
              elif (verb == 'get'): doGet(gameState, noun)
              elif (verb in ['put', 'drop']): doPut(gameState, noun)
              elif (verb == 'feed'): doFeed(gameState, noun)
      def thingsToString(things):
          things = sorted(things)
          if (len(things) == 0):
              return 'nothing'
          elif (len(things) == 1):
              return thingToString(things[0])
              result = ''
              for i in range(len(things)):
                  if (i > 0):
                      if (i == len(things)-1):
                          if (len(things) == 2):
                              result += ' and '
                              result += ', and '
                          result += ', '
                  result += thingToString(things[i])
              return result
      def thingToString(thing):
          if (thing[-1] == 's'):
              return thing
          elif (thing[0] in 'aeiou'):
              return 'an ' + thing
              return 'a ' + thing
      def doGet(gameState, noun):
          currentRoom = getCurrentRoom(gameState)
          inventory = gameState['inventory']
          contents = currentRoom['contents']
          if (noun in contents):
              print('I cannot see that here.')
      def doFeed(gameState, noun):
          currentRoom = getCurrentRoom(gameState)
          inventory = gameState['inventory']
          contents = currentRoom['contents']
          if (noun != 'statue'):
              print('I can only feed statues!')
          elif ('statue' not in contents):
              print('I do not see the statue here!')
          elif ('orange' not in inventory):
              print('I need to have food to feed it (like an orange)')
              print('I fed the statue, and it came alive, and said:')
              print('YOU WIN!!!!!!!')
              gameState['gameOver'] = True
      def doPut(gameState, noun):
          currentRoom = getCurrentRoom(gameState)
          inventory = gameState['inventory']
          contents = currentRoom['contents']
          if (noun in inventory):
              print('I am not carrying that.')
      def doGo(gameState, direction):
          currentRoom = getCurrentRoom(gameState)
          exits = currentRoom['exits']
          if (direction in exits):
              gameState['currentRoomName'] = exits[direction]
              print(f"I can't go {direction} from here!")
      def getCurrentRoom(gameState):
          name = gameState['currentRoomName']
          return gameState[name]
      def getCommand():
          while True:
              response = input('Your command --> ')
              if (response == 'help'):
                  print('No help yet!')
              elif (response in ['quit', 'exit', 'bye']):
                  return 'quit','now'
                  words = response.split()
                  if (len(words) != 2):
                      print('Please enter commands in the form VERB NOUN')
                      print('Or just enter "help" for more help.')
                      return words
      def getInitialGameState():
          return {
              'gameOver': False,
              'currentRoomName' : 'kitchen',
              'inventory': { 'whistle' },
                      'description':'a bright and airy kitchen',
                      'exits': { 'north':'study', 'east':'porch' },
                      'contents': { 'plates', 'cup', 'orange' },
                      'description':'a study full of piles and piles of books',
                      'exits': { 'south':'kitchen' },
                      'contents': { 'thesaurus', 'dictionary', },
                      'description':'a huge covered porch with lots of chairs',
                      'exits': { 'west':'kitchen' },
                      'contents': { 'statue' },