CMU 15-451/651: Algorithms , Fall 2020,
Course Policies
Course Recordings
Lecture 1: -
Introduction and Strassen
Lecture 2: -
Dynamic Programming I
Recitation 1: -
Recurrences and DP
Lecture 3: -
Dynamic Programming II
Lecture 4: -
Maximum Flow I
Recitation 2: -
DP + Flow
Lecture 5: -
Amortized Analysis
Lecture 6: -
Splay Trees
Recitation 3: -
Amortized Analysis
Lecture 7: -
DFS and Biconnected Components
Lecture 8: -
DFS and Strong Components
Recitation 4: -
DFS and Strong Components
Lecture 9: -
Probability 101 and the Exponential Dist.
Lecture 10: -
Low Diameter Decomposition via Exp. Dist., Spanners II
Recitation 5: -
Exceptionally Exponential
Lecture 11: -
Graph Spanners via Low Diameter Decomposition III
Recitation 6: - Low Diameter Decomposition
(part 1)
(part 2)
Lecture 12: -
Max Flow II (more advanced algs, i.e. Dinic's
Lecture 13: -
Hashing 1 (Universal and perfect)
Recitation 7: -
Hashing and More Max Flow
Lecture 14: -
Hashing 2 (primes and fingerprinting)
Lecture 15: -
Computational Geometry I (Introduction and Segment Intersection using Sweep Line)
Recitation 8: -
Fingerprinting and Sweepline
Lecture 16: -
Computational Geometry II (2D LP: Backward Analysis and 2D Random Incremental)
Lecture 17: -
Computational Geometry III (Sorting, Convex Hull, and 2D Random Incremental Convex Hull)
Recitation 9: -
LP: Initial Bounding Box
Lecture 18: -
Computational Geometry IV (closest pair)
Lecture 19: -
Linear Programming I
Recitation 10: - Computational Geometry
Lecture 20: -
Linear Programming II (Duality)
Lecture 21: -
Game Theory, Zero-Sum Games
Recitation 11: -
Game Theory and more LP
Lecture 22: -
Lecture 23: -
Suffix Trees and Suffix Automata
Recitation 12: -
FFT and Suffix Trees
Lecture 24: -
Suffix Array and LCP Array
Lecture 25: -
Competitive Algorithms
Lecture 26: -
The Resistive View of a Graph
Lecture 27: -
Random Walks in a Graph
Lecture 28: -
Random Walks with Restarts and Spilling Paint