
  • Instructors: Daniel Anderson (dlanders@cs), David Woodruff (dwoodruf@cs)
  • TAs: Aditya Sundaram (arsundar), Andrew Caosun (acaosun), Bill Qin (bzq), Davis Wojnovich (dwojnovi), Efe Cekirge (ecekirge), Emma Hu (linghu), Joel Manning (jamannin), Jonathan Liu (jsliu2), Kunal Joshi (kunalj), Magdalen Dobson (mrdobson), Nick Grill (ngrill), Suhas Kotha (suhask), Yoseph Mak (ymak)

Class Hours

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 11:50am-1:10pm, CUC McConomy Auditorium

Recitations (Friday)

AKunal & Jonathan9:05-9:55amWEH 4623
BBill & Suhas10:10-11:00amWEH 5415
CJoel & Nick11:15-12:05pmPH A18C
DEfe & Yoseph12:20-1:10pmGHC 4102
EAndrew & Magdalen1:25-2:15pmPH A18B
FEmma & Suhas3:35-4:25pmDH 1112
GDavis & Aditya4:40-5:30pmGHC 4102

Office Hours

The office hour schedule can be found on the course calendar below. Although most time slots are regular every week, they may occasionally change and be rescheduled, so always double check the calendar before deciding to go!

Course Calendar