Tue 27-Aug | Lecture 1: Introduction, Algorithm Analysis, Linear-time Selection | [Notes] [Slides] |
Thu 29-Aug | Lecture 2: Concrete Models and Lower Bounds | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 1 released | [Homework 1] | |
Fri 30-Aug | Recitation 1: Lower Bounds | [Recitation 1] [Solutions] |
Tue 3-Sep | Lecture 3: Integer Models and Integer Sorting | [Notes] [Slides] |
Wed 4-Sep | Homework 1 due | [Solutions] |
Thu 5-Sep | Lecture 4: Hashing: Universal and Perfect Hashing | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 2 released | [Homework 2] | |
Fri 6-Sep | Recitation 2: Integer Sorting and Hashing | [Recitation 2] [Solutions] |
Tue 10-Sep | Lecture 5: Fingerprinting | [Notes] [Slides] |
Programming Problem 1 Released | [Programming 1] | |
Wed 11-Sep | Homework 2 due | [Solutions] |
Thu 12-Sep | Lecture 6: Range Query Data Structures | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 3 released | [Homework 3] | |
Fri 13-Sep | Recitation 3: Fingerprinting and SegTrees | [Recitation 3] [Solutions] |
Tue 17-Sep | Lecture 7: Amortized Analysis | [Notes] [Slides] |
Wed 18-Sep | Homework 3 orals | |
Thu 19-Sep | Lecture 8: Union-Find (More Amortized Analysis!) | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 3 orals | ||
Fri 20-Sep | Recitation 4: Amortized Analysis and Union Find | [Recitation 4] [Solutions] |
Homework 3 orals | [Solutions] | |
Programming Problem 1 due |
Tue 24-Sep | Midterm One at 7:00pm | |
Thu 26-Sep | Lecture 9: Dynamic Programming | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 4 released | [Homework 4] | |
Fri 27-Sep | Recitation 5: Dynamic Programming | [Recitation 5] [Solutions] |
Tue 1-Oct | Lecture 10: Dynamic Programming II | [Notes] [Slides] |
Programming Problem 2 Released | [Programming 2] | |
Wed 2-Oct | Homework 4 due | [Solutions] |
Thu 3-Oct | Lecture 11: Network Flows I: Flows, Cuts, and Matchings† | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 5 released | [Homework 5] | |
Fri 4-Oct | Recitation 6: Network Flow | [Recitation 6] [Solutions] |
Tue 8-Oct | Lecture 12: Network Flows II: Advanced Flow Algorithms | [Notes] [Slides] |
Wed 9-Oct | Homework 5 due | [Solutions] |
Thu 10-Oct | Lecture 13: Network Flows III: Minimum-cost Flows | [Notes] [Slides] |
Fri 11-Oct | Recitation 7: Advanced Flow | [Recitation 7] [Solutions] |
Programming Problem 2 due |
Mon 14-Oct | Fall Break begins | |
Fri 18-Oct | Fall Break ends |
Tue 22-Oct | Lecture 14: Game Theory | [Notes] [Slides] |
Programming Problem 3 Released | [Programming 3] | |
Thu 24-Oct | Lecture 15: Linear Programming | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 6 released | [Homework 6] | |
Fri 25-Oct | Recitation 8: Game Theory and LPs | [Recitation 8] [Solutions] |
Tue 29-Oct | Lecture 16: Linear Programming II: Duality | [Notes] [Slides] |
Wed 30-Oct | Homework 6 orals | |
Thu 31-Oct | Lecture 17: Linear Programming III: Polytopes and Integrality | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 6 orals | ||
Fri 1-Nov | Recitation 9: More Linear Programming | [Recitation 9] [Solutions] |
Homework 6 orals | [Solutions] | |
Programming Problem 3 due |
Tue 5-Nov | Midterm Two at 7:00pm | |
Thu 7-Nov | Lecture 18: Approximation Algorithms | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 7 released | [Homework 7] | |
Fri 8-Nov | Recitation 10: Approximation Algorithms | [Recitation 10] [Solutions] |
Tue 12-Nov | Lecture 19: Online Algorithms | [Notes] [Slides] |
Programming Problem 4 Released | [Programming 4] | |
Wed 13-Nov | Homework 7 due | [Solutions] |
Thu 14-Nov | Lecture 20: Streaming Algorithms | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 8 released | [Homework 8] | |
Fri 15-Nov | Recitation 11: Online and Streaming Algorithms | [Recitation 11] [Solutions] |
Tue 19-Nov | Lecture 21: Computational Geometry | [Notes] [Slides] |
Wed 20-Nov | Homework 8 due | [Solutions] |
Thu 21-Nov | Lecture 22: Computation Geometry II: Randomized Incremental Algorithms | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 9 released | [Homework 9] | |
Fri 22-Nov | Recitation 12: Computational Geometry | [Recitation 12] [Solutions] |
Programming Problem 4 due |
Tue 26-Nov | Lecture 23: Computational Geometry III: Sweepline | [Notes] [Slides] [Demo] |
Wed 27-Nov | Thanksgiving Break begins | |
Fri 29-Nov | Thanksgiving Break ends |
Tue 3-Dec | Lecture 24: The Algorithmic Magic of Polynomials | [Notes] [Slides] |
Wed 4-Dec | Homework 9 orals | |
Thu 5-Dec | Lecture 25: The Fast Fourier Transform | [Notes] [Slides] |
Homework 9 orals | ||
Fri 6-Dec | Recitation 13: Polynomials and FFT | [Recitation 13] [Solutions] |
Homework 9 orals | [Solutions] |
Tue 10-Dec | Final Exam at 5:30pm |