Carnegie Mellon

Computer Science Department |
15-410 Staff
Please do not email individual OS staff members unless it is about an issue
particular to that staff member. For example, academic-status questions (auditing, withdrawal,
exam conflicts) should be directed to the instructor(s).
Otherwise, all communication should use
Dave Eckhardt
- Position:
- Associate Teaching Professor
- Web:
- Mail:
- Office:
- WeH 3503 (Opposite the 3rd floor Wean elevators)
- Office Hours:
- Monday 15:30-16:30; Wednesday 16:30-17:30; Friday 15:30-16:30, or by appointment.
The first Wednesday of each month I will be late due to a faculty meeting.
Roger B. Dannenberg
- Position:
- Associate Research Professor
- Web:
- Mail:
- Office:
- WeH 3214 (also try my lab, WeH 3213)
- Office Hours:
- Friday 14:00-16:00 (or by appointment)
Matthew Jones
- Position:
- Junior BS in CS
- Web:
- None
- Mail:
- Office:
- Wean 5207 (cluster)
- Office Hours:
- Tuesday and Thursday 17:00-18:00, or by appointment
Caroline Bauer
- Position:
- Senior BS in CS
- Web:
- None
- Mail:
- Office:
- Wean 5207 (cluster)
- Office Hours:
- Monday and Wednesday 17:00-18:00, or by appointment
Olatunji Ruwase
- Position:
- Ph.D. candidate in CS
- Web:
- Mail:
- Office:
- 8102 WeH
- Office Hours:
- Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 - 10:30, or by appointment
Joshua Wise
- Position:
- Sophomore BS in ECE
- Web:
- Mail:
- Office:
- Wean 5207 (cluster -- but we'll move someplace else when you show up)
- Office Hours:
- Thursday and Sunday 20:00-21:00 (with the potential for change), or by appointment
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Bobby Prochnow
- Position:
- Junior BS in CS
- Web:
- None
- Mail:
- Office:
- Wean 5205/5207 (cluster)
- Office Hours:
- Tuesday and Thursday 13:30-14:30, or by appointment
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