oct 2018 —
At VL/HCC'2018, our group will have 3 full papers, 2 posters, and a presentation in the DTSHPS'2018 Workshop.
aug 2018 —
New NSF grant called "Multimodal Conversational Assistant that Learns from Demonstrations" to support the work related to Sugilite.
jun 2018 —
New NSF grant called "Knowledge Acceleration for Programming" to support the work related to Unakite.
jun 2018 —
Most Influential Paper award at The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering -- ICSE'2018, for "Debugging, Reinvented: Asking and Answering Why and Why Not Questions about Program Behavior" by Andrew J. Ko and Brad A. Myers from 2008.
may 2018 —
Keynote address, WAPI: 1st International Workshop on API Usage and Evolution (https://w-api.github.io/), co-located with the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, May 23, 2017. "Human-Centered Methods for Improving API Usability". local pdf and slides and Sven Amann’s summary of the talk.
feb 2018 and apr 2017 —
Google Faculty Research Awards for API Usability.
oct 2017 —
Most Influential Paper award for important influences on VL/HCC research or commerce over the last 10+/-1 years by the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing in 2017, for J. Stylos; B. A. Myers: "Mica: A Web-Search Tool for Finding API Components and Examples" from VL/HCC 2006. This is the 4th time our group has won this award!
oct 2017 —
Our papers on Moonstone and about "Exploring Exploratory Programming" will be presented at VL/HCC'2017.
june 2017 —
Best Paper Award from the Sixth International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD 2017) for: the Epidosite/Sugilite paper: "Programming IoT Devices by Demonstration on Mobile Apps", Toby Jia-Jun Li, Yuanchun Li, Fanglin Chen and Brad A. Myers. Download the paper from Springer or local pdf.
may 2017 —
Our paper on Glacier was presented at ICSE'2017.
may 2017 —
Brad Myers wins the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award in Research, 2017, for outstanding fundamental and influential research contributions to the study of human-computer interaction. See SIGCHI citation, video of the talk (1:18:12), slides, advisee tree, abstract and Steven Feiner's introduction.
may 2017 —
Best Paper Honorable Mention Award from the CHI 2017 conference for: “Variolite: Supporting Exploratory Programming by Data Scientists”, Mary Beth Kery, Amber Horvath, and Brad Myers. ACM dl, local pdf and YouTube video.
may 2017 —
Best Paper Honorable Mention Award from the CHI 2017 conference for: “SUGILITE: Creating Multimodal Smartphone Automation by Demonstration”, Toby Li, Amos Azaria, and Brad Myers. ACM dl, local pdf and video.
may 2016 —
Our paper on Gneiss was presented at CHI'2016. ACM DL or local pdf and video and video of talk.
may and october 2015 —
Papers about Azurite were presented at ICSE 2015 and VL/HCC'2015.
may 2015 —
At CHI'2015 we had papers about Aquamarine and Gneiss.
oct 2014 —
Our papers on InterState and Gneiss were presented at UIST'14.
aug 2014 —
Our papers on Azurite and Gneiss were presented at VL/HCC'14.
aug 2014 —
Most Influential Paper Award for important influences on VL/HCC research or commerce over the last 10+/-1 years by the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing in 2014, for "Estimating the Numbers of End Users and End User Programmers", Christopher Scaffidi, Mary Shaw, and Brad Myers, from VL/HCC'05. (Brad Myers is the only person to win three times!)
sep 2013 —
Our paper on Azurite was presented at VL/HCC'13.
sep 2013 —
Most Influential Paper Award for important influences on VL/HCC research or commerce over the last 10+/-1 years by the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing in 2013, for "Six Learning Barriers in End-User Programming Systems", Andrew J. Ko, Brad A. Myers, and Htet Htet Aung, from VL/HCC'04. (Brad Myers is the first person to win twice! See list of all winners) .
may 2013 —
Our paper on Euclase was presented at the LIVE workshop at ICSE'2013.
dec 2012 —
Brad Myers is selected as an IEEE Fellow "for development of software tools for human-computer interaction." See the IEEE 2013 List, and the CMU press release!
oct 2012 —
A paper about ConstraintJS was presented at UIST'12.
oct 2012 —
Our paper from 2002 was named a Most Influential Paper for important influences on VL/HCC research or commerce over the last 10+/-1 years by the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing in 2012, for "Using HCI techniques to design a more usable programming system", Pane, J.F., Myers, B.A., and Miller, L.B., from HCC'2002.
june 2012 —
We presented a paper in ICSE'2012 about our new Graphite system!
may 2012 —
We presented a paper in CHI'2012 about WebCrystal!
sept 2011 —
Brad was Chair of the VL/HCC'2011 conference, where a paper about REACHER appeared.
april 2011 —
Our survey about End-User Software Engineering appeared in ACM Computing Surveys.
september 2010 —
We presented two papers at VL/HCC'2010, one on Apatite and one on Calcite.
september 2009 —
We presented three papers at VL/HCC'2009!
june 2009 —
Our press release about Apatite and Jadeite was reproduced in at least 34 places, and translated into Chinese, Danish and Italian!
may 2009 —
Apatite won first place in the "Yahoo! Undergraduate Research Awards"
competition at Carnegie Mellon University, May 6, 2009!
Here is a picture of Dan Eisenberg with his winning poster:
nov 2008 —
Our study of object oriented design and API usability was presented at FSE 2008.
sept 2008 —
We presented four papers at VL/HCC this year! Two on Euclase and two on API usability.
may 2008 —
The Java Whyline is available for download!
april 2008 —
Our Java Whyline paper at ICSE '08 won a Distinguished Paper Award!
september 2007 —
Brad gave an overview lecture on the Natural Programming Project at Stanford. See the video (1hr24min).
march 2007 —
Three ICSE'2007 papers! One on the factory pattern, one on the create-set-call pattern and one on information needs.
april 2006 —
Brad gave an end-user programming overview talk at CHI '06
january 2006 —
We had two CHI papers accepted: one on Barista and one on Crystal!
may 2005 —
Our paper on a study of maintenance tasks won one of four distinguished paper awards at ICSE 2005!
april 2005 —
Our paper on building statistical models of programmers' interruptibility won one of four best paper awards at CHI 2005!
august 10th, 2005 —
PC Magazine is running an article in print and on the web about the 10 biggest problems with PCs, and debugging is one of them. They mention the Whyline and have a picture of us.
june 28th, 2004 —
CNN has posted the Associated Press article on the Whyline! Check out the response on Slashdot.org. Most comments seemed to think the Whyline has something to do with "plain English," but of course, it doesn't.
may 14th, 2004 —
PC Mag has a story on the EUSES consortium called "Debugging for the Masses", which talks about the Whyline.
may 7th, 2004 —
Tom Chi of ok-cancel.com mentioned the Whyline in his CHI 2004 highlights. Thanks Tom!
may 6th, 2004 —
NSF has posted a press release about the EUSES consortium, which includes a bit about the Whyline.
april 27th, 2004 —
The Whyline was presented at CHI 2004 in Vienna, Austria. A video demonstration of the Whyline will be posted soon!
october 2002 —
Brad Myers's ICFP'02 Talk on Natural Programming
Karen Harlan, "Four from HCII Receive Google Faculty Research Awards", HCII Press Release, June 14, 2018, html. (Referenced in The Piper, "Personal Mention", June 19, 2018. html.)
Amelia McNamara, "Dagstuhl reflections", 11 Feb 2018. html.
Felienne Hermans, "Types of Studies – Brad Myers", (blog entry about my Dagstuhl talk), February 5, 2018, html.
Karen Harlan, "HCII Professor Earns Most Influential Paper Award for Fourth Time in Six Years", HCII Press Release, October 10, 2017, html.
"Myers Earns 2017 SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement in Research Award", February 16, 2017, (CMU Press release). html.
Ben Shneiderman, "Encounters with HCI Pioneers: A Personal Photo Journal", ACM interactions, March-April, 2016, pp. 54-57. ACM ref, html or pdf. Discusses Ben's "HCI Pioneers" which includes Brad Myers.
Sam Weber, "Empirical Evaluation of API Usability and Security," SEI Blog, January 11, 2016, html.
Nick Keppler, "Inventing the future", thelink (The Magazine of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science), November 14, 2014, on-line
Sergio De Simone, "InterState: A Language and Environment for Expressing Interface Behavior", InfoQ, July 28, 2014, on-line
Richard Byrne Reilly, "Adobe and CMU researchers unveil a brilliant new JavaScript library: ConstraintJS", VentureBeat, June 23, 2014, on-line and local pdf.
Byron Spice, "Carnegie Mellon Researchers Win 'Most Influential' Award", June 25, 2014, SCS press release.
Byron Spice, "Myers Once Again Wins 'Most Influential' Award", August 30, 2013. SCS press release.
Fabian Beck, "Software Visualization Highlights at ICPC and ICSE 2013" (summary of Brad Myers's keynote), May 30, 2013, on-line, (exerpt in tinmark.com)
Byron Spice, "IEEE Confers Prestigious Fellow Status On Four Carnegie Mellon Faculty Members", SCS Press Release, December 5, 2012, and local copy; CMU Press release; or excerpt in the Piper.
"News Brief: HCII Paper of 2002 Named 'Most Influential'", CMU Press Release, September 25, 2012, html. See also article in the Link and a shorter version.
Rob Knies, "April in Paris: European Software Focus", Microsoft Research Press Release, April 14, 2011, html and local pdf. (quoted in: R&D Mag, April 25, 2011, html). Mentioned in CMU news item: html.
Paul Krill, "Microsoft, IBM highlight software development advances", InfoWorld, 07/09/2009, html, and local pdf. (Mentions Brad Myers's talk about end-user programming).
Our press release about Apatite and Jadeite was reproduced in at least 34 places, and translated into Chinese, Danish and Italian!
Chris Douce, "Natural Programming Project," Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG) Newsletter, January, 2008. http://www.ppig.org/newsletters/2008-01.html
Alan Cohen, "Software Is Too Buggy and Unreliable," part of the special
section on "The Ten Biggest Problems in Computing and How We'll Solve Them",
PC Magazine, August 23, 2005. Vol. 24, no. 14, pp. 86-87. Also on
Anne Watzman, "Ko, Aung and Myers Win Best Paper Award At International Conference on Software Engineering". CMU Press Release. May 23, 2005. html
The "Knowledge Encapsulation System", a commercial product of Software Theories, specifically references our paper as an influence.
Mike Crissey, "Researchers aim to make debugging simpler", Associated Press, July 26, 2004. Appears in Salon.com and MSNBC and CNN and CBSNews.com and Forbes.com and USAToday.com, and Detroit News (August 15, 2004), and Melbourne,Victoria,Australia Herald Sun, and Gadgetopia, and 404 Magazine (in German), etc.
Sebastian Rupley, "Debugging for the Masses", PC Magazine Online, May 14, 2004. html. Reprinted in Yahoo News
David Hart, "Researchers to Help Exterminate Bugs in Spreadsheets, Web Applications." NSF Press Release NSF PR 04-065 - May 05, 2004. html. Also reprinted in: