The 1999 Mobile Robot Exhibition: Participant

Road Runner and Coyote

Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence

We will demontrate several projects. We will demonstrate an integrated system for navigation, continuous localization, exploration and map building, and path planning. This system allows the robot to move into unknown areas, build a map while staying localized, plan paths, and adapt to rapid changes in the environment. The robot can be control at different levels with a wireless Palm Pilot. The second demontration will show a multi-modal communication system that allows a person to communicate to the robot with both speech and gestures.

Equipment requirements
List of Participants
AAAI-99 Robot Exhibition Home Page

Contact: Alan C. Schultz
Alan C. Schultz
Naval Research Laboratory
Bld 256, Code 5514
4555 Overlook Ave., S.W.
Washington DC 20375-5337
Phone: (202) 767-2684
Fax: (202) 767-3172