The 1999 Mobile Robot Exhibition: Participant
Web-based robot simulator
Dan Stormont
This is a continuation of a project I started while a Masters student at University of New Mexico. The simulator uses VRML 2.0 and Java to simulate the
operation of a mobile robot in a dynamic environment. At present, the simulation shows a hard-coded algorithm in a fixed environment with three different
camera angles. Over the next few months, the simulator will be extended to add the ability to place and move objects in an office-like environment, select
different robot chassis designs, and run various robot navigation algorithms in the form of Java applets. The simulator is not currently on the web, but will
be by July.
Equipment requirements
List of Participants
AAAI-99 Robot Exhibition Home Page
Contact: Dan Stormont
PO Box UMC 9590
Logan UT 84322-9590
Phone: (435) 797-8734
Fax: (435) 797-8733