Machine Learning

10-701/15-781, Fall 2010

Aarti Singh

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Aarti Singh
GHC 8207, x8-4266
office hours: Tuesdays 1:30~2:30pm

Class Assistant:

Michelle Martin
GHC 8001, x8-5527

Teaching Assistants:

Leman Akoglu
GHC 9021, x8-5636
office hours: Fridays 2~3pm

Min Chi
NSH 2602C, x8-5595
office hours: Tuesdays 3~4pm

Rob Hall
GHC 8021, x8-3370
office hours: Mondays 2~3pm

T.K. Huang
GHC 8015, x8-2960
office hours: Thursdays 10~11am

Jayant Krishnamurthy
GHC 7701, x8-3070
office hours: Wednesdays 1:30~2:30pm, 7th floor kitchen of Gates