Classroom Salon is a new kind of a learning management system built around the concept of content-centric annotations. It uses a powerful annotation management system to extract key insights into student learning. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with a course management system. There are many things that sets it apart from any other learning management system.

What is it?

Classroom Salon is a document and video annotation system. All your course documents and videos can be annotated by students using salon's annotation tools. They can comment on specific words, sentences and paragraphs and also comment on video frames. Salon aggregates all these annotations to provide amazing insights into student thinking.

annotated documents
annotated videos

How does it work?

Instead of uploading documents and videos into course management systems, just upload them into classroom salon. Create pedagogical activities to engage student with salon activity tools. if you have a course management system, insert salon activity links to course management system.

setting up documents with tags, prompts and schedules
Salon activities in Moodle

Salon is analytics driven

In addition to enabling social learning opportunities, salon also provides some unique insights into student thinking. For example, educators can see "hotspot" of activities. These hotspots can indicate locations of the document or video that are interesting, confusing and needs further investigations

Specifically finds locations of video where conversations occur
Shows trends and statistics

How is Classroom Salon different?

There are many things that sets classroom salon apart from other learning management systems or apps. We list here some of them. It is truly different and when you start using it you will see its power to make your course 10x better.

Uses document and video annotations as a way to get deep insights into student learning  

Enables social learning by encouraging students to learn from each other

Measures students intangibles based on engagement index, helpful index, thought leadership and consistency

Uses document and video hotspots to guide your instructional strategy

Provides deep document and user analytics like no other platform

can be used as its own document and video social annotation management platform

can be used in conjunction with a course management system.

The ideal platform for flipped classrooms.

find out what students really care about and teach them that. It is a lot more fun that way.

Watch the following videos to learn more

Educators talk about how they use Classroom Salon
Writing Students talk about using Salon
Watch the video on how classroom salon was used at
Princeton University to conduct flipped classes