Alex Foessel-Bunting

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The Atacama Desert Trek was a terrestrial demonstration of robotics capabilities and technologies. It was a 230 Km. traverse across the Atacama Desert, in northern Chile during June and July of 1997. The place was right to the west of the Salar de Atacama, about a 100 Km. to the south of the nearest town: San Pedro de Atacama. The picture to the left shows my good friend Mike and me having breakfast in one of the early scouting trips we went to Atacama. See more pictures by following the related links at the bottom of this page.

I can not express how interesting this trip was in terms of adventure, field robotics, technology, public relations, good friends and fun. Why public relations? Well, this project was really open to the public both in USA and Chile, with several institutions working with the project.
The other picture shows the team that went to the desert for almost three months (and yes, I had no hair at that time). It was a great experience to work with these people, and I think they enjoyed working in Chile. One of the favorite quotes was: Atacama is like fun, but different. Well that was after 40 days there, and the place is kind of dry and lonely.

Related Links

Atacama Desert Trek (CMU's Web Page)
IMG Nomad (AMES' Web Page)
Nomad: el vagabundo del desierto (Entel Chile Web Page)

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Last updated: January 21, 2000.