Alex Foessel

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Who am I?

Welcome to my personal website. This changed little since 2001, when I spent most of my time finishing my Ph.D. in Robotics at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. Find the official page in the RI website.

My thesis research pursued the development of scanning radar interpretation to provide reliable perception to field robots under compromised visibility conditions.

I am happy to say I graduated in December of 2001. Now I work as a Senior Systems Engineer at NavCom Technology, a John Deere Company.

Additional activities are: reading lots, riding motorcycles, flying airplanes and traveling wherever I can. Lately, I have resumed all these activities.

Follow the text links or the navigation bar above. You will find help to:
Reach me using  contact information. Find email, telephone and home and office addresses.
Obtain links to my CV, résumé, short bio and research interests as well as learn about my progress under professional information 
Know me better: personal & hobbies section introduces family, as well as hobbies and adventures.

For suggestion or questions regarding this web [email me].
Last updated: July 23, 2002.