Alex Foessel-Bunting

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Seaplane License Instruction Plane

The following pictures show images of the flight to Cadillac, Michigan in August 1999. Both Alberto and I flew in a rented Cessna 172 following the route: AGC to TDZ to CAD.  The return was CAD to AGC direct. The objectives were to know more about seaplanes and obtain the Seaplane Pilot License. 

The folks from Northwood Aviation were helpful from arrival, throughout the instruction and preparation of the practical exam, as well as in the preparation of our return flight. 

Additional pictures are available clicking on the thumbnails below.
CadillacSuperCubClose.jpg (47579 bytes) CadillacAlbertoAlex.jpg (55947 bytes) CadillacAlexInstructor.jpg (61269 bytes)
CadillacSuperCubFar.jpg (55784 bytes) CadillacSuperCubSide.jpg (55121 bytes) CadillacTwoPlanes.jpg (51600 bytes)

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Last updated: January 21, 2000.