Alex Foessel-Bunting

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Résumé (.pdf)


Lead or participate in innovative and fast-paced technology projects to develop autonomous machines and capable technological systems for challenging scenarios or environments.


Six years of experience in innovative research and challenging engineering developments. Proven ability to organize, produce or participate in rapid technology programs, from conception to testing and operation. Expertise in field deployment and operations of autonomous machines and systems. Ability in managing teams and resources towards prompt and successful objective completion.

Research Activities and Work Experience

Robotics Antarctic Meteorite Search Program. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1998-1999 --Led second expedition with the field deployment of first robot to search for meteorites in Antarctica. Negotiated and organized air transportation, field support, and human resources for antarctic robotic research operations for first and second expeditions. Conducted the research plan and facilitated cooperation between investigation teams in adverse weather conditions. Developed and executed specific research agenda for radar sensing in both expeditions.

Atacama Desert Trek Initiative. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1996-1997 --Participated in development and deployment of Nomad, the rover that traversed 200 Km in the Atacama Desert. Implemented pointing of communication antenna and steering control. Organized logistics and public relations and supported field operations.

Desarrollos de Automatización S.A., Santiago de Chile, 1993 to 1996 -- Achieved fast conception, design, implementation and successful testing of new fire control system for missile boats in eighteen months with a small team. Designed operational logic and human interface, participated in the implementation of target detection and tracking by radar and visual sensing, assisted in moving platform precise control. Participated in development for two missile boats and designed for frigates.


Ph.D. in Robotics, 1996 to present -- Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, 1993 -- Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile.
Electrical and Industrial Engineering, 1992 -- Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile.


Academic Excellence Award --Dow Chemical Company, Santiago de Chile, 1993. 
Electrical Engineering Department Award -- Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile 1993. 
Roberto Ovalle Aguirre Award -- Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1993. 
Best Electrical Engineer Student -- Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1993. 

Personal Information and References

Private instrument-rated land and sea airplane pilot. Enjoys reading, flying, motorcycling, skiing and outdoor sports. Fluent in spoken and written spanish and english; studying german. 

References available upon request.

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Last updated: January 23, 2000.