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GridBase Class Reference

#include <RadMesh.h>

Inheritance diagram for GridBase:

NbRadElem RadElem RadGrid HierGrid

Collaboration diagram for GridBase:

List of all members.

Public Members

Void Mesh (GCLReal density)
virtual RadElemPtr AddChild (RadElem &elem, Int i, Int j, Int in, Int jn) = 0
Append a copy of the given elem to the elem list.

Int FindChildIndex (Coord &coord)
Map from coord to the child that contains it.

Int rows
Int cols

Detailed Description

The following routines create regular meshes of elements.

First a diagram to give some context. We will be adding elements to a mesh in horizontal strips.

    Quad strip:
    |5|6|7| ...

    Tri strip:
                              0 +
    |\                          |\
    |0\         Orientation:    | \
    +--+                      1 +--+ 2
    |1\|3\                    0 +--+ 2
    +--+--+                      \ |
    |\5|\               and:      \|
    |4\|6\ ...                     + 1


Definition at line 250 of file RadMesh.h.

Member Function Documentation

RadElemPtr GridBase::AddChild (RadElem & elem, Int i, Int j, Int in, Int jn) [inline, pure virtual]

Append a copy of the given elem to the elem list.

Reimplemented in HierGrid, and RadGrid.

Int GridBase::FindChildIndex (Coord & coord)

Map from coord to the child that contains it.

Definition at line 1396 of file

Void GridBase::Mesh (GCLReal density)

Definition at line 1186 of file

Member Data Documentation

Int GridBase::cols

Definition at line 260 of file RadMesh.h.

Int GridBase::rows

Definition at line 260 of file RadMesh.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:26:55 2000 for Radiator by doxygen 1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000