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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT 2015)

Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh
Marine Carpuat, University of Maryland
Andrei Popescu-Belis, Idiap Research Institute
Christian Hardmeier, Uppsala University

Full proceedings volume (PDF)
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Bibliography (BibTeX)
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pdf bib Front matter pages
pdf bib Pronoun-Focused MT and Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction: Findings of the 2015 DiscoMT Shared Task on Pronoun Translation
Christian Hardmeier, Preslav Nakov, Sara Stymne, Jörg Tiedemann, Yannick Versley and Mauro Cettolo
pp. 1–16
pdf bib Comparison of Coreference Resolvers for Deep Syntax Translation
Michal Novák, Dieke Oele and Gertjan van Noord
pp. 17–23
pdf bib Analysing ParCor and its Translations by State-of-the-art SMT Systems
Liane Guillou and Bonnie Webber
pp. 24–32
pdf bib Document-Level Machine Translation Evaluation with Gist Consistency and Text Cohesion
Zhengxian Gong, Min Zhang and Guodong Zhou
pp. 33–40
pdf bib The Role of Expectedness in the Implicitation and Explicitation of Discourse Relations
Jet Hoek, Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul and Ted J.M. Sanders
pp. 41–46
pdf bib Detecting Document-level Context Triggers to Resolve Translation Ambiguity
Laura Mascarell, Mark Fishel and Martin Volk
pp. 47–51
pdf bib A Proposal for a Coherence Corpus in Machine Translation
Karin Sim Smith, Wilker Aziz and Lucia Specia
pp. 52–58
pdf bib Part-of-Speech Driven Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction with Feed-Forward Neural Networks
Jimmy Callin, Christian Hardmeier and Jörg Tiedemann
pp. 59–64
pdf bib Automatic Post-Editing for the DiscoMT Pronoun Translation Task
Liane Guillou
pp. 65–71
pdf bib A Document-Level SMT System with Integrated Pronoun Prediction
Christian Hardmeier
pp. 72–77
pdf bib Predicting Pronoun Translation Using Syntactic, Morphological and Contextual Features from Parallel Data
Sharid Loáiciga
pp. 78–85
pdf bib Rule-Based Pronominal Anaphora Treatment for Machine Translation
Sharid Loáiciga and Eric Wehrli
pp. 86–93
pdf bib Pronoun Translation and Prediction with or without Coreference Links
Ngoc Quang Luong, Lesly Miculicich Werlen and Andrei Popescu-Belis
pp. 94–100
pdf bib Predicting Pronouns across Languages with Continuous Word Spaces
Ngoc-Quan Pham and Lonneke van der Plas
pp. 101–107
pdf bib Baseline Models for Pronoun Prediction and Pronoun-Aware Translation
Jörg Tiedemann
pp. 108–114
pdf bib A Maximum Entropy Classifier for Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction
Dominikus Wetzel, Adam Lopez and Bonnie Webber
pp. 115–121
pdf bib Measuring ’Registerness’ in Human and Machine Translation: A Text Classification Approach
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski and Mihaela Vela
pp. 122–131
pdf bib Translation Model Adaptation Using Genre-Revealing Text Features
Marlies van der Wees, Arianna Bisazza and Christof Monz
pp. 132–141
pdf bib Crosslingual Annotation and Analysis of Implicit Discourse Connectives for Machine Translation
Frances Yung, Kevin Duh and Yuji Matsumoto
pp. 142–152
pdf bib Novel Document Level Features for Statistical Machine Translation
Rong Zhang and Abraham Ittycheriah
pp. 153–157
pdf bib Exploration of Inter- and Intralingual Variation of Discourse Phenomena
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski
pp. 158–167
pdf bib On Statistical Machine Translation and Translation Theory
Christian Hardmeier
pp. 168–172

Last modified on September 3, 2015, 1:19 a.m.