This software is very much still in development and is NOT intended for serious research use at this stage. It may still contain any or all of the following: bugs, both silly and serious; strange warnings or no warnings at all when problems occur; grievous programming flaws; various blunders of all sorts. Furthermore, it may downright fail to work. At this point, it is primarily provided here as a technology demonstration for prospective funders and collaborators, interested colleagues, and anyone brave enough to try it out and provide feedback (which we would most humbly accept and appreciate). You have been warned; proceed at your own risk.

Clicking the following link should start the VELMA application via the Java Web Start service. You may or may not have this installed on your computer.

Launch VELMA!

You should get a warning telling you that the software is not from a trusted source. If you wish to use the program and you trust that it is not malicious, click "Run". If you don't trust me (which is perfectly reasonable), click "Cancel".

If this didn't work, there are a couple of possibilities. One is that you do not have Java Web Start installed on your computer. You can get it from Sun's Java download page; you'll probably want to download and install JRE 6.0. Another possibility is that I botched something either in the program or in the launcher link. If you send me information on the problem you are having, I'll try to fix it as best I can. Helpful information would include: your OS, your browser, your version of Java Web Start, and what specifically went wrong, including any error messages from your browser or Java.

OK. I got it running...now what?