Homeworks 1, 2, 3, and 5 must be turned in on paper (hardcopy). Please use a resealable envelope.
On-line or email submissions will not be accepted for these assignments. If you are not attending class,
then you must turn in your assignment before class to Brad Myers's office, NSH 3517. (The only exception to the hardcopy rule is if you are taking this class remotely, in which case, you must submit an easily-printed version of your homework in pdf format onto blackboard before 10:30am Eastern time on the day they are due. You must name your files: HCI-HWn-lastname-firstname.zip, for example: HCI-HW4-myers-brad.zip.)
Assignments 4 and 6 (implementations) must be turned in using Blackboard.
(Let us know if you are enrolled and you don't have access to the Blackboard site!)
Please zip up all your files into one .zip file, and name it like this: HCI-HWn-lastname-firstname.zip, for example: HCI-HW4-myers-brad.zip. Failure to follow the turn-in instructions will result in a one-grade penalty (10 points out of 100).
We will try to return your graded homeworks within one week of submission.
You should probably make a copy for yourself of your homeworks before you turn them in. For some homeworks, you need to refer to what you did in a previous homework. Also, if the TA or Professor loses your homework, you want to have a backup.