- The Cooper Union
- B. E., Mechanical
Engineering, 1977
- Full Tuition
Scholarship for four years.
- Tau Beta Pi,
Engineering Honor Society.
- Pi Tau Sigma,
Mechanical Engineering Honor Society.
- Wilson G. Hunt
Mechanical Engineering Prize
- Graduated Summa
Cum Laude
- Stanford University
- M.S., Mechanical
Engineering, 1978.
- Carnegie Mellon
- M.S., Cognitive
Psychology, 1984 ,
- Ph.D., Cognitive
Psychology, May, 1988,
- R. K. Mellon
Fellowship for 1983-1984.
- January 2000
March 2000: Visiting Scientist, Xerox Research Centre Europe,
Cambridge, UK.
- August 1999
August 2000: Visiting Scientist, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie
Mellon University.
- July 1997 - present:
Associate Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Courtesy appointment to
the Department of Psychology and Computer Science Department.
- July 1997 -present:
Director of the Masters of Human-Computer Interaction Program, Human-Computer
Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
- July 1996 - June
1997: Assistant Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School
of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Courtesy appointment
to the Department of Psychology and Computer Science Department.
- Sept 1992- July
1996: Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, School of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Courtesy appointment to the Department
of Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction Institute.
- April 1989-Sept
1992: Research Faculty, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University. Courtesy appointment to the Department of Psychology.
- March 1996: Consultant
for Microsoft Corp. Seminar and project-specific consulting on GOMS
modeling applied to product development.
- April 1992-May 1992:
Expert witness qualified in human performance, cognitive psychology,
and human-computer interaction, retained by AT&T for the TMAC Contract,
GSBCA Docket Nos. 11776-P &11777-P.
- December 1988-May
1991: Consultant for NYNEX Corp, White Plains, NY. Conducted a theoretical
analysis of skilled performance on two different toll & assistance
telephone operator workstations. This analysis predicted the outcome
of a large-scale field trial of the workstations.
- May 1988-April 1989:
Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon
- September 1988-June
1989: Consultant for the Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh,
PA. Conducted a feasibility study to explore the construction of an
expert system to aid in the design of human-computer interfaces.
- April 1987-September
1988: Consultant for CarnegieWorks, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. Provided advice
on design and testing of documentation for computer systems.
- February 1985-March
1985: Consultant for American Robot Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. Designed
a hand-held control panel for an industrial robot.
- June 1977-August
1983: Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ.
- September 1977-August
1978: On Stanford's campus earning an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering.
- September 1978-September
1980: Physical designer responsible for the design and selection
of printers, the design of control panels for office graphics equipment,
and the design of communication protocols for teleconferencing.
- October 1980-December
1982: Systems engineer responsible for customer installability and
maintainability for a small business telecommunications system now
being marketed as MERLIN (a registered trademark of AT&T).
- January 1983-August
1983: (Employed by American Bell Inc., later to become AT&T
Information Systems.) Systems engineer for large business terminals.
Responsible for a high-end executive data and telecommunications
terminal and for a low-end home-and-business data and telecommunications