The Robotics Institute
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Foundations of Robotics Seminar

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Seminar Calendar

Information on the speaker, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the speaker's name. The abstract, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the title of the seminar.

Date Speaker Affiliation Host (Appointments)
January 14 Optimization of a parallel robot structure using screw theory
Alon Wolf Carnegie Mellon University
Alon Wolf
January 21 Model based Dynamic Self-Righting Maneuvers for a Hexapedal Robot
Uluc Sarlani Carnegie Mellon University
Uluc Sarlani
February 11 Locomotion of robotic systems
Presentation Slides (ppt 5.4Mb)
Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University
Elie Shammas
February 25 Tools For Reduction
Presentation Slides (ppt 5.4Mb)
Ravi Balasubramanian and Klaus Schmidt Carnegie Mellon University
Ravi Balasubramanian
March 3 Finding Structure in Data
Martial Hebert Carnegie Mellon University
Martial Hebert
March 17 Stories from across the seam: my recent travels into art practice
Garth Zeglin Carnegie Mellon University
Garth Zeglin
March 31 Reduced Equations of Motion for Unconstrained systems
Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University
Elie Shammas
April 7 Dexterous Manipulation without Grasping
Yasumichi Aiyama Carnegie Mellon University
Yasumichi Aiyama
April 14 Robotic mine mapping
Chris Baker Carnegie Mellon University
Chris Baker
May 12 Methods of Feedback Control for a Capable Dynamic Legged Robot
Clark Haynes Carnegie Mellon University
Clark Haynes


General Information
Seminars are held every Wednesday in 3305 Newell-Simon Hall, unless otherwise noted on the calendar or abstract. Seminars begin at 4:30pm, and refreshments are served starting at 4:15pm. Feel free to arrive early to get the first shot at the cookies and talk to your colleagues; please try not to leave during a seminar in deference to the speaker.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with a speaker, please contact the speaker if they are from CMU, or their host, listed on the calendar, if they are from outside of the University.

Seminar Archive

Fall 2003

Spring 2003

For technical issues and final scheduling commitments, as well as opinions or suggestions on speakers and seminar topics, please contact Ravi Balasubramanian, by e-mail at

The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
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Last updated Wed Feb 11 10:07:31 EST 2004.