IID.2006 - Project 4
Research Synthesis Design Solution
something here

something here

04 Focus Group

Finding out what works and what doesn't

Due to difficulties getting participants for the concept validation session, we had to do some guirilla recruiting. For the first session, we stood outside one of Academy for Life Long Learning classes, and waited for its end patiently, ready to plea. Luckily we were able to convince two female seniors to look at our concepts and discuss them with us. One of the seniors we interviewed during the first stage of this project agreed to help us for our second focus group session.

Concept #1


The idea of portability received a positive reaction. Participants confirmed our conclusions regarding the active lifestyle seniors lead. The pillow form-factor however was met with the following quote: "A pillow is probably good for someone who sits a lot." The idea of the object fitting into the decor of their surroundings received another interesting quote:"To hell with decorating!" Seniors want clean lines and relatively small devices, because they are trying to unclutter their environments.

Concept #2


Very positive rsponse. They suggested having lyrics on the card along with the music. This way it could be used as a teaching tool. Also they could see themselves using this to record radion talk shows and sharing them with friends and family to stay connected with them.


Concept #3


Participants were very excited about this concept. They started telling us of many applications this concept could have. They were especially interested in recieving custom made material, such as songs from a grand child's recital, or a wedding. They wanted the set up to be done for them, suggested being able to buy/receive a pre-made page for the book.


Concept #4


"Everybody knows the jukebox!" Particiapants were very much interested in good organization of their collections. We received comments about how the interaction in the concept scenario was too subtle and they were looking for a more explicit way to indicate a CD should play. They suggested buttons are easily recognizable, both for them and any guests that may come over (like grandkids). Buttons also worked well as an analogy back to the jukebox interface as well.


From the focus groups, we observed that Concepts #2 and Concepts #4 received the most positive feedback. For the other scenarios, the seniors liked the needs that they addressed, but not necessarily the form factor or the particular way it was addressed in that concept scenario.


  IID 2006 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University