This page will be updated later.
For the time being (while it is being updated), please have a look at my CV and the publication page.
the publication page, you can download
some of the source codes that I wrote for papers.
Chanwoo Kim
chanwcom at gmail dot com
Pittsburgh, PA
Latest News
- I got the bronze award in the 2011 17th Samsung Humantech thesis after getting the honor prize in the 2010 16th Samsung Humantech thesis.
- I graduated from CMU and got the Ph. D. degree in Dec. 16th, 2010
- At ICASSP 2011, one paper was accepted as the first author, and the other was accepted as the second author
- I did my Ph. D. defense Sept. 20th ,2010
- One more US patent (Patent No. 7,761,294) is issued July 20th ,2010
- Two INTERSPEECH 2010 papers were accepted. July 2nd, 2010.
- This webpage was re-created
after I deleted the previous webboard and wiki years ago due to the unsolicited usage of the board by bots July, 2010.