What is Carnegie Mellon Graphics?A simple, cross-platform 2D api for C++. Who is involved?The team currently consists of:
Don't email us individually...email the group (cm-gfxpkg@cs.cmu.edu) and one of us will get in touch with you faster than any one of us would alone. Geoff Washburn did the vast majority of the work for versions 1.5 and 2.0, and the current team is just maintaining everything. What's the deal with CMUGraphics 1.5 and CarnegieMellonGraphics 2.0?CMUGraphics 1.5 is the legacy package that is state-based (where you change the state of the system and all operations use the current state until you change it), and from which we are trying to get away. It is based on native calls to the platform and windowing API on which you are running it. The CarnegieMellonGraphics 2.0 is an object-oriented version of the package. You can still use it in somewhat the state-based way as before, but fundamentally it is quite different. It makes calls to OpenGL, and uses GLUT for windowing. This makes the library as a whole 99% portable, and makes it easier for us to maintain and for you to use (as it ends up being more powerful as well). I want it! How do I get it and how do I use it?We have designed this to be as easy to use as possible. Once you download the appropriate package, go to the Documentation page. There are sample programs in the downloads and an API reference on the page as well. As always, if you have problems, go to the discussion forums or email us. Comments or Suggestions??Go to the Forum and let us know! |