CVC(1) USER COMMANDS CVC(1) NAME cvc - CMU VHDL temporal logic model checker (release 1.b.1) SYNOPSIS cvc [-option ...] specification_file DESCRIPTION This manual documents cvc, a program for the formal verifi- cation of temporal properties of systems described in a sub- set of VHDL. OPTIONS cvc recognizes the following command-line switches: -v,--version shows the current version of cvc. -h,--help prints a summary of the options. -hstill-inputs this restricts the verification to the simulations where the signals of mode in are stable during delta- delay simulation cycles. -fproject,-fno-project turns on (off) an optimization heuristic that consists in the elimination of the parts of the model that are not relevant for the specification being checked (default on). -freorder-level n sets BDD variable reordering level to n; n must be comprised in the interval [0, 4] (3 is the default value). -fsize-mult-coeff n multiplicative coefficient used to determine the amount of memory initially allocated to the verifier; n must be greater or equal than 2 (300 is the default). DETAILED DESCRIPTION VHDL descriptions verified with cvc must comply to some res- trictions (see cva (1) for a description of the subset). A detailed description of the specification can be found in the document specification-language.html. Briefly, a specification is composed of assumptions, guarantees, and abbreviations. Assumptions describe the behavior of the environment of the description. Guarantees describe the behavior of the description. An assumption is a condition (i.e. a boolean expression) on the signals of mode in. There are two sorts of assumptions: invariant assumptions and fairness assumptions. A simula- tion satisfies an invariant assumption if for every simula- tion cycle the condition is satisfied. A simulation satis- fies a fairness assumption if the condition is satisfied infinitely often. A guarantee is a temporal logic property on the signals of the description. It is the purpose of cvc to check that guarantees are satisfied for all possible simulations of the model that satisfy the assumptions of the specification. An abbreviation is used to define identifiers that denote complex expressions about the VHDL descriptions. They are a simple facility to write more concise and clearer specifica- tions. SEE ALSO cva(1), cv(3) AUTHOR David Deharbe Cvc Release 1.b.1 Last change: 12 December 1996
Documentation Sections: cva(1) VHDL Grammar cvc(1) Specification Language
Main Sections: Introduction Installation Documentation Examples