Plenary Speakers
Robot Exploration and Learning Recently, robot exploration and learning techniques have begun to have a profound impact on the field of robotics. Exploration and learning techniques have been at the heart of many recent successes in the field of robotics, where they have provided additional robustness to robot behavior as well as eased the task of robot programming. Robotics is highly attractive to researchers in the field of learning and discovery, as robots are a prime example for a variety of embedded application domains that integrate perception and action. Robotic domains stress the importance of a variety of current research challenges, including partial observability, non-stationarity, and uncertainty in perception and action. This workshop will discuss open questions in robot exploration and learning, including: How can we scale up robot exploration and learning so that more can be learned from less data? How can we devise efficient exploration strategies for dynamic and high-dimensional environments? What role will learning and exploration play in upcoming application domains such as service robotics? How can learning support cooperation of multi-robot teams? How can we bring together and achieve synergy between the various disciplines involved in the study of robot exploration and learning and beyond? This workshop seeks to bring together leading researchers in the diverse field of robot exploration and learning, to characterize the state of the art, to identify the most promising research opportunities. We also plan an informal discussion between different robotics disciplines, with the goal of leading into novel collaborations. Please direct inquiries to one of the organizers:
More Information Contact conald@cs.cmu.edu for more information The conference is sponsored by CMU's newly created Center for Automated Learning and Discovery. |