CONALD, June 11-13 Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery
General Information Submission Instructions Registration Workshops Travel and Accommodation Committees
Plenary Speakers

Tom Dietterich

Stuart Geman

David Heckerman

Michael Jordan

Daryl Pregibon

Herb Simon

Robert Tibshirani


Workshops will be organized in four parallel tracks.

Thursday, June 11

Learning Causal Bayesian Networks
organized by Richard Scheines and Larry Wasserman

Mixed-Media Databases
organized by Shumeet Baluja, Christos Faloutsos, Alex Hauptmann and Michael Witbrock

Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Manufacturing
organized by Sridhar Mahadevan and Andrew Moore

Large-Scale Consumer Databases
organized by Mike Meyer, Teddy Seidenfeld and Kannan Srinivasan

Friday, June 12

Visual Methods for the Study of Massive Data Sets
organized by Bill Eddy and Steve Eick

Learning from Text and the Web
organized by Yiming Yang, Jaime Carbonell, Steve Fienberg and Tom Mitchell

Robot Exploration and Learning
organized by Howie Choset, Maja Mataric and Sebastian Thrun

The Neural Basis Of Learning
organized by David Touretzky, Tai Sing Lee, and Bill Skaggs

(Notice: the workshop Discovery in Natural and Social Science has been canceled by its organizer. In replacement, CONALD features a workshop on The Neural Basis Of Learning)


More Information

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The conference is sponsored by CMU's newly created Center for Automated Learning and Discovery.