CONALD, June 11-13 Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery
General Information Submission Instructions Registration Workshops Travel and Accommodation Committees
Plenary Speakers

Tom Dietterich

Stuart Geman

David Heckerman

Michael Jordan

Daryl Pregibon

Herb Simon

Robert Tibshirani

The Neural Basis Of Learning

Much has been discovered about the neural basis of learning in humans and animals. For this workshop we will survey three areas where interesting connections might be made between neuroscience and machine learning. As the audience is not expected to have a biological background, each session will begin with some tutorial information. But we hope to rapidly move from tutorial format to an informal discussion about the current state of understanding in each area, and how insights from machine learning can be guide the development of neuroscience theory.

Areas to be covered:

  1. Dopamine as a reward or novelty signal: a possible mechanism for reinforcement learning in the brain.
  2. Models of learning and development in visual cortex.
  3. Animal learning: current theories of classical and instrumental conditioning.


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The conference is sponsored by CMU's newly created Center for Automated Learning and Discovery.