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DepthCam Member List

This is the complete list of members for DepthCam, including all inherited members.

DepthCam() (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam
depthPixelTo3D(int row, int col, void *depthImage)=0DepthCampure virtual
depthPixelTo3D(int ind, void *depthImage)=0DepthCampure virtual
depthValueTo3D(int row, int col, void *depthValue)=0DepthCampure virtual
fovH (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam
fovV (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam
height (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam
isValidDepth(int row, int col, void *depthImage)=0DepthCampure virtual
isValidDepth(int ind, void *depthImage)=0DepthCampure virtual
maxDepth (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam
minDepth (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam
rawDepthToMetricDepth(void *depthValue)=0DepthCampure virtual
width (defined in DepthCam)DepthCam