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Line2d< num > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Line2d< num >, including all inherited members.

Angle() const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >inline
calcValues() const Line2d< num >
closestDistFromLine(GVector::vector2d< num > p, bool endcaps)Line2d< num >
Dir() const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >inline
distFromLine(GVector::vector2d< num > p, GVector::vector2d< num > rayDir, bool extendLine)Line2d< num >
distFromLine1(GVector::vector2d< num > p, num rayDir, bool extendLine)Line2d< num >
intersection(Line2d< num > l1, bool extendL0, bool extendL1)Line2d< num >
intersection(GVector::vector2d< num > p2, GVector::vector2d< num > p3, bool extendL0, bool extendL1)Line2d< num >
intersects(Line2d< num > l1, bool extendL0, bool extendL1, bool touch)Line2d< num >
intersects(GVector::vector2d< num > p2, GVector::vector2d< num > p3, bool extendL0, bool extendL1, bool touch)Line2d< num >
intersects(GVector::vector2d< num > v, bool extendL0, bool extendL1)Line2d< num >inline
intersects(GVector::vector2d< num > p, GVector::vector2d< num > rayDir, bool touching)Line2d< num >
intersects(GVector::vector2d< num > p, num rayDir)Line2d< num >
intersectTest(GVector::vector2d< num > p2, GVector::vector2d< num > p3, bool &intersects, bool extendL0, bool extendL1)Line2d< num >
Length() const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >inline
liesAlongside(GVector::vector2d< num > p, num margin=0.0)Line2d< num >
Line2d() (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
Line2d(GVector::vector2d< num > _p1) (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
Line2d(GVector::vector2d< num > _p0, GVector::vector2d< num > _p1) (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
Line2d(num p0x, num p0y, num p1x, num p1y) (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
operator*(num f) const Line2d< num >
operator*=(num f)Line2d< num >
operator+(GVector::vector2d< num > v) const Line2d< num >
operator+=(GVector::vector2d< num > v)Line2d< num >
operator-(GVector::vector2d< num > v) const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
operator-=(GVector::vector2d< num > v) (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
operator/(num f) const Line2d< num >
operator/=(num f)Line2d< num >
P0() const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >inline
P1() const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >inline
Perp() const (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >inline
perpFromLine(GVector::vector2d< num > p, bool endcaps)Line2d< num >
project_in(GVector::vector2d< num > p)Line2d< num >
project_out(GVector::vector2d< num > p)Line2d< num >
rotate(GVector::vector2d< num > p, num angle)Line2d< num >
set(GVector::vector2d< num > _p0, GVector::vector2d< num > _p1) (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
set(num p0x, num p0y, num p1x, num p1y) (defined in Line2d< num >)Line2d< num >
ToString(char *str)Line2d< num >