Generously supported by Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science and the National Science Foundation (CNS-1752904)

Summit Readings

Additional summit material:

Summit Schedule

Note that the schedule below is subject to minor changes.

Sunday, Oct 1 6:30-7:30PM Carnegie Mellon University Tour (optional) starts at Gates Hillman Centers,
Forbes Avenue entrance,
Carnegie Mellon University
Monday, Oct 2 8:00-9:00AM Registration, Breakfast outside of Schenley Ballroom,
main level near front desk
Monday, Oct 2 9:00-9:30AM Goals of the Summit, Logistics
Tom Cortina, Carnegie Mellon University
Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 9:30-10:00AM Welcome Address
Dr. Farnam Jahanian, Interim President, Carnegie Mellon University
Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 10:00-10:45AM Generation CS: Summary, New Findings - SLIDES
Betsy Bizot, Computing Research Association
Stuart Zweben, The Ohio State University
Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 10:45-11:00AM BREAK
Monday, Oct 2 11:00-11:45AM NAS Project: Growth of Computer Science Undergraduate Enrollments - SLIDES
Jodi Tims, Baldwin Wallace University
Eric Roberts, Stanford University
Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 11:45AM-12:00PM Student Perspectives on the Enrollment Surge - SLIDES Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 12:00-1:00PM LUNCH, Discussions Bridges Lounge
Monday, Oct 2 1:00-2:00PM Lightning Talks: What we're currently doing to address enrollment surges
Grab the mic, one minute max
Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 2:00-3:00PM Breakout Session #1: Addressing the Enrollment Surge: Future Needs and Support (breakout by institution type) Schenley V
Schenley VI
Carnegie I
Carnegie II
Panther (mezzanine)
Monday, Oct 2 3:00-3:15PM BREAK
Monday, Oct 2 3:15-3:45PM Reports from Breakout Groups Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 3:45-4:45PM Breakout Session #2: Maintaining Diversity and Expanding CS
(breakout by region)
Schenley V
Schenley VI
Carnegie I
Carnegie II
Panther (mezzanine)
Monday, Oct 2 4:45-5:00PM BREAK
Monday, Oct 2 5:00-5:30PM Reports from Breakout Groups Schenley Ballroom
Monday, Oct 2 6:00-7:30PM DINNER, Discussions Bridges Restaurant
Tuesday, Oct 3 8:00-9:00AM BREAKFAST, Small Group Meetings outside of Schenley Ballroom,
main level near front desk,
breakout rooms
Tuesday, Oct 3 9:00-9:30AM Industry Perspectives of the Enrollment Trends
Abby (Boucher) Daniels, Google - SLIDES
Michael A. Smith, Intel - SLIDES
Schenley Ballroom
Tuesday, Oct 3 9:30-10:15AM Breakout Session #3: Leveraging the Enrollment Growth for Future Study:
What is the "CS Principles" of Associate-to-Bachelor, Bachelor-to-Graduate?
Schenley V
Schenley VI
Carnegie I
Carnegie II
Panther (mezzanine)
Tuesday, Oct 3 10:15-10:30AM BREAK
Tuesday, Oct 3 10:30-11:00AM Reports from Breakout Groups Schenley Ballroom
Tuesday, Oct 3 11:00AM-12:00PM Open Forum: Is it time for a Large-Scale CS Summit?
Tom Cortina, moderator
Schenley Ballroom
Tuesday, Oct 3 12:00-1:00PM LUNCH, Discussions Bridges Lounge
Tuesday, Oct 3 1:00-1:30PM Next Steps, Farewell
Tom Cortina, Carnegie Mellon University
Schenley Ballroom