15-440 Announcements
Announcements will be posted here and to the bulletin boards.
- 12/12: Project 2, parts 1 & 2 scores posted in Autolab
If you cannot find them in your account, the scores are in your partner's account (the Autolab team is working on fixing this).
- 12/11: Reminder, final exam is Monday the 12th, 1pm, Wean Hall 7500
See subject
- 12/4: No class Tuesday 12/6. Prof. Andersen's office hours rescheduled.
Please take this time to work on your projects and schedule project reviews with the course staff. You can find links to the signup pages from the assignments page. Also, Prof. Andersen's office hours will be held from 2-3pm on Monday, NOT in the morning.
- 11/29: HW1 FAQ
Homework 1 FAQ
- 11/29: Homework 1
The due date for Homework 1 has been corrected to Wednesday, November 30 (tomorrow).
- 11/20: Project feedback is available on autolab
Please login to autolab to get first-round project feedback before the meetings with the course staff on Monday and Tuesday.
- 11/17: Sign up slots on the assignments page
Please sign up for meeting slots for project 3 for M/T of next week. See the assignments page for links.
- 11/16: Homework 1
Homework 1 has been posted. It is due November 30.
- 11/16: Updated notes for 11/15 security protocols lecture
Fixed up the discussion of the Needham-Schroeder protocol, including weaknesses in the protocol and how they have been fixed.
- 11/15: Project 3 proposals
If you haven't yet sent us your proposal by e-mail, please upload it to Autolab in pdf format.
- 11/14: No dga office hours today
Rescheduled to later this week, TBA. Please email if needed.
- 11/8: No office hours with Ravi today.
Office hours for Ravi will instead be Thursday from 12:00 to 1:00 and by appointment as needed.
- 11/7: No class tomorrow, 11/8 - conflicts with Zuckerberg talk
Enjoy the talk. Remember that distributed systems power some of the coolest companies around these days. :)
- 11/03: Announcing Project 3
Design Your Own Distributed System
- 11/2: Project 2.3 deadline extended to Saturday 11/5
See title. Now due before midnight on Saturday.
- 10/30: New tests for project 2.3 released
Grab /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P2/server_test.go for the latest and most comprehensive tests to help you with making sure your caching/leases are working.
- 10/26: Project 2.3 tarball updated
One-line change to the storageproto.go file to include the ID of the node requesting the lease in the Get arguments. Please update.
- 10/26: Project 2 part 3 released
The writeup and code handout for part 3 has now been released. This part has a new verison of storageproto.go and storagerpc.go that adds a parameter to several of the RPC calls, so once you copy it over, your code will break. Don't worry, it's easy to get it running again by adding the right parameters to your existing storageproto functions.
- 10/25: Common Autolab issues
Check the project 2 FAQ page for common questions about Autolab issues.
- 10/25: Midterm solution available
As a PDF
- 10/25: Autolab
Note the changes in the handin procedure for Project 2, part 2. You must follow the instructions given on the project 2 FAQ page exactly, otherwise your handin will be invalid.
- 10/25: Mid-term grades available
We did not submit midterm grades via the Registrar. Instead, you can view your grading information online in the directory /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/course/15/440/midsemester_score/your_andrewid. These grades were computed by assigning weights of 5% for each of the two mini quizzes, 40% for project 1, and 50% for the midterm exam. The grade cutoffs were set as 88+ = A, 70+ = B, 50+ = C, and 30+ = D. (This scale is purposely set low, since the scores on project 1 were fairly low. It is not likely that this scale will be used in assigning final grades.) If you have questions about your grades, please feel free to speak with one of the instructors.
- 10/25: A basic multiserver test case released
Due to popular demand, we've released a basic multi-server test case (you should still test on your own!). See /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P2/server_test.go.10252011 . These tests only ensure that your code will work right within our testing framework, they don't push really hard on your system.
- 10/24: P1 Results!
The results for Project 1 have been posted in /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/course/15/440/P1-results/your_andrewid
- 10/24: Reminder, no dga office hours today, Monday 10/24
See subject
- 10/22: New sample for storageclient, small storageclient bug fix
To answer some frequently-asked questions about the behavior of the storage system, we've added a new testing script, 'teststorage.sh' that shows the expected (correct) behavior of the storageclient when talking to your storage server system. Please grab the latest P2-handout.2.tar. We've also fixed a typo in the storageclient test code.
- 10/18: Slight change to tribble proto, more test code
For part 2, we have added a new return code to the storage proto, EITEMEXISTS. If an item already exists in a list, AppendToList should return this error code, and it should now be propagated back through the tribble protocol using tribproto.EEXISTS. Please see the updated handout tarball. Also, we have improved the main function and flag handling for server.go to make it easier to test the standalone version.
- 10/18: P2.1 Storage client code
To help you test your storage system, we have added a storageclient program to P2-handout.2. It's in the tar file now. You can use this to directly RPC to your storage servers.
- 10/17: P2.1 Handin Instructions
Please see the project 2 FAQ page for handin instructions for project 2, part 1.
- 10/16: Midterm exam information
The midterm exam will be in classs on Tuesday, Oct. 18. Material to be covered will be the lecture material up through Tuesday, Oct. 11, and Project 1. The exam will be closed book & notes. You may use a calculator (but they won't be very helpful). No other electronic devices will be allowed. See the exams page for a sample exam from last year (although the course coverage was not exactly the same.)
- 10/14: Project 2.2 posted
The specification, starter code, and a sample binary for project 2.2 have been posted. Testing code will follow. Re-fetch the handout for the updated version.
- 10/11: Project 2 Help Sessions
We will hold the three help sessions for Project 2 on three Tuesdays---10/11, 10/18, and 10/25. Each will be held 7-9pm in WeH 4623
- 10/11: Prof. Bryant unavailable for office hours this week
Prof. Bryant will be out of town on Friday. If you would like to meet with him, please contact his assistant June Fischerkeller (jfische@cs.cmu.edu).
- 10/9: Prof. Andersen's office hours will be at 3pm-4pm Monday instead of 11am (this week only)
See subject
- 10/7: Project 2 online
Please see the assignments page. Get started quickly - part 1 of the project is due on 10/17.
- 10/1: New capabilities added to stest
In addition to being able to kill arbitrary workers, stest can now be instructed to kill a worker that has either just found or just failed to find a password. Five new tests have been added to the standard test suite.
- 9/30: Office hours for Prof. Bryant, Saturday 10/1 2-3pm.
Prof. Bryant will be in his office, GHC 5113 Saturday afternoon. Call him at 412-268-8821 if you cannot get into his section of the building.
- 9/30: Improved testing code & documentation
The three test programs rtest, wtest, and stest have some new features. See the documentation for rtest, wtest, and stest.
- 9/29: IRC office hours from 8-11pm tonight
Prof. Andersen will be holding office hours on IRC again tonight on-and-off from 8pm - 11pm for project 1-B. From andrew, type: irssi -c irc.freenode.net and once connected, type: /join #15-440-f11. Please note the several other announcements today...
- 9/29: Enhanced stest created
A new stest program is available for you to use in testing your servers. See stest documentation
- 9/29: Part B due date delayed by 48 hours.
We are giving everyone an 48 hour extension. The due date will be 10:00 pm, Saturday, Oct. 1. All the calculations of late penalties, etc., will be shifted 48 hours, as well.
- 9/29: Instructions for handing in Part B available.
See the Project 1 FAQ page. The procedure is similar to that for handing in Part A.
- 9/28: Testing code available for server, as well as for request and worker clients
See the Project 1 FAQ page.
- 9/28: Important changes to specification of request client + some testing code + updates
See the Project 1 FAQ page. In addition, there are updated versions of the official versions of the compiled LSP code and the request and server programs.
- 9/26: Project 1 Help Session Tonight, WeH 7500
We will hold the third help session for Project 1 tonight from 7-9pm in Wean Hall 7500. Come prepared with questions about Part B!
- 9/23: Office hours for Prof. Bryant, Saturday 9/24 2-3pm.
Prof. Bryant will be in his office, GHC 5113 tomorrow afternoon. Call him at 412-268-8821 when you come to the glass doors to his section of the building.
- 9/23: Grading policy for Project 1 available.
See the Project 1 FAQ page
- 9/22: Instructions for handing in Part A of Project 1
See the Project 1 FAQ page. Remember, the due date is tonight at 10 pm.
- 9/22: Updated copy of lsp_test.go
Oops, the additional testing in lsp_x_test.go, announced yesterday, uncovered some shortcomings of the existing test code in lsp_test.go. Be sure to get a new copy from the directory /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P1. Copy the file into your lsp subdirectory. A complete set of up-to-date files can be found as /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P1/P1-handout.tar.
- 9/21: IRC office hours Wed 9/21 on and off from 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Prof. Andersen will be on IRC on irc.freenode.net in the channel #15-440-f11 from roughly 8:30pm until 11:30pm hosting group discussion and Q&A for project 1. If you are not yet familiar with IRC, from an andrew machine, type: irssi -c irc.freenode.net Once connected, type: /join #15-440-f11
- 9/21: Additional office hours for Prof. Bryant, Thurs 9/22 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Prof. Bryant will hold office hours on Thursday, 9/22 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in GHC 5113.
- 9/21: Enhanced testing for LSP
An additional set of tests for the LSP protocol, in the file lsp_x_test.go is available in /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P1. Copy it into your lsp subdirectory. These tests augment the ones in lsp_test.go. Your implementations will be tested with both sets of tests. A complete set of up-to-date files can be found as /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P1/P1-handout.tar.
- 9/16: Project 1 Help Sessions Sept. 19 and 26, WeH 7500
We will hold special help sessions for Project 1 on the next two Mondays from 7-9pm in Wean Hall 7500. Come prepared with questions!
- 9/12: Project 1 Help Sessions tonight in GHC 4401 (Rashid Auditorium)
We will hold special help sessions for Project 1 on three consecutive Mondays (9/12, 9/19, 9/26) from 7-9pm. Tonight the session will be in GHC 4401. Future rooms are TBA.
- 9/12: Improved testing code for LSP
An improved version of the file lsp_test.go is available in /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15440-f11/P1. Copy it into your lsp subdirectory. Thanks to Andrew Rodriguez for diagnosing shortcomings of old version.
- 9/9: Project 1 Help Sessions Sept. 12, 19, and 26
We will hold special help sessions for Project 1 on three consecutive Mondays from 7-9pm. Rooms are TBA. Come prepared with questions!
- 9/9: Micro-quiz 2 released
See assignments page.
- 9/7: New version of P1-handout.tar
Set up with better makefiles, and a better structure for separating the compiled versions of our code ("official") from the code that you generate ("contrib"). See README.txt for an explanation. Be sure to save copies of any files you have modified in a separate directory before extracting the new ones.
- 9/5: Project 1 is available
See assignments page. Questions? Read the FAQ
- 9/2: Compiled version of Go available.
The installation should work with any campus Linux machine (Andrew or CS). See the assignments web page for information on using Go.
- 9/1: Micro-quiz-1 now online! Due 5pm Monday.
See assignments page.
Last updated: Mon Dec 12 16:13:18 -0500 2011
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