15-744, Spring 2007: Computer Networks

Latest Announcements

5/01: Projects due 05/14
Project writeups are due 05/14 to make sure we have a few days to grade them before CSD black friday. Please disregard the earlier due date of 05/09.
4/16: Tools homework 2 update
If you haven't done part of of hw2 yet, we suggest pinging the host eep.lcs.mit.edu instead of www.cs.cmu.edu. www.cs seems to have a per-host IP ID counter, so it worked in the tests we ran from a single machine, but doesn't work when pinging from two hosts.

See all announcements RSS 2.0 feed


15-744 is a graduate course in computer networks. The goals are:

The past few years have seen a remarkable growth in the global network infrastructure. The Internet has grown from a research curiosity to something we all take for granted.

How does this network infrastructure work? What are the design principles upon which it is based, and how are those principles applied in practice? How can we make the Internet work better today? We will examine these issues and more during the course.

This course assumes a basic familiarity with networking concepts. The course will consist of a reading/lecture/discussion component and a project component. The class will cover approximately 50 research papers on various aspects of computer networking. These papers will introduce students to the basic design principles on which today's networks are based. In addition, these papers will cover recent proposals to improve network performance, functionality and scalability. Specific topics that will be covered include: LAN/WAN technologies, congestion/flow control, traffic analysis, routing, internetworking, multicast, security, and quality of service. Students are expected to read papers before the class and participate in the discussion during the class.

Course Staff

Teaching Assistants

NameEmailOfficeTelOffice Hours
Jeff Pang WeH 7203 268-3621 Thu 2-3PM (or by appointment)


David Andersen WeH 8206 268-3064 Tues 11:00 - 11:59am

Course Secretary

Barbara Grandillo, , Wean Hall 8018, Tel: 268-7550

Course Policies


Students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the course staff, or to anyone else about any of the assignments. Assistance must be limited to discussion of the problem and sketching general approaches to a solution. Each student must write out his or her own solutions to the homework.

Late Policy

Last updated: Tue May 01 16:57:02 -0400 2007 [validate xhtml]