
It's starting to sink in that I'm done with the CMU Computer Science program.

I'm now in Seattle. BondHub imploded; I'm on to Impinj, where I'm doing various software development and data-mining painfully large datasets.

My resume comes in two editions, for engineering and for research (which isn't up to date with BondHub).

Thesis research

You can get my dissertation and other resources.

My thesis work is in the area of language design for music and audio programming. I propose a way of building data types with time structure, and also a way of taking them apart to manipulate. For an introduction to the idea and an implementation, read the ICMC 2000 and 2001 papers. In a few examples, code with temporal type constructors is roughly a factor of five shorter than its low-level equivalent, and far clearer. On the other hand, existing high-level languages could not represent some of these examples at all.

Eventually, I'd like to see temporal type constructors in a solid non-research implementation. It may or may not ever rival C in performance, but even a slower system would blow Matlab out of the water for design and prototyping.

For a sampling of other work I'd like to do, see my research interests.

Published papers

Refereed Conferences


(go to my front-door page)
22 Apr 2004